Any fish that eat dead plant leaves?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 29, 2006
I have a lot of anacharis and I was wondering if there were any fish that would help clean up the leaves that die or that fall off?
Snails will do it, but I would check into which snails specifically, because they will take over the tank sometimes.
Mystery snails (Pomacea bridgesii specifically) eat the dying parts of plants. I have one in my planted tank and he hasn't touched the live plants. The catch of course is that they are usually sold just a "mystery snails" (or ivory or golden etc.) so you have to be careful as other species eat live plants. I'm not sure of any fish though.
fish 'n' fries said:
Mystery snails (Pomacea bridgesii specifically) eat the dying parts of plants. I have one in my planted tank and he hasn't touched the live plants. The catch of course is that they are usually sold just a "mystery snails" (or ivory or golden etc.) so you have to be careful as other species eat live plants. I'm not sure of any fish though.

Yeah I have Black Mystery snails and Blue Mystery snails but they don't really ever go near the plants. They just stick to the driftwood and the glass.
My Red Tailed Black Shark will do a little eating of dead plants, it appears...and then coincidentally I read somewhere that this is a fairly standard behavior.
Red-Tailed Sharks eat dead plant leaves. When I had one, he would always clean off leaves stuck to the filter intake tube.
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