Blood Worms

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 21, 2002
Greencastle, PA
Here's a (maybe) simple question. I have a black water biotope with a school of 9 cardinal tetras. I feed them "New Life Spectrum Small Fish Formula" food, which they seem to do well with so far. However, on my most recent trip to the pet store, I decided to buy some freeze-dried blood worms to see if they liked them. Long story short, I have never seen my fish act that way before! Usually they are timid, and if I sit still in front of the tank they come out and peacefully munch on their food. I put the bloodworms in, and it became a feeding frenzy out of a National Geographic special! Obviously they like them, but my question is this:

Can blood worms be used as regular food, or are they really only a treat?

(I must add that they are going to be stressed for a while because I'm starting to change the water chemistry to better match their natural environment, and they need good food.)
Bloodworms are a good source of nutrients for the fish, but should not be used as a staple diet alone, it does not contain all their required vitamins and nutrients. i usually give mine bloodworm about 2/3 times a week as an additional or instead of food. They love it.
I use a mixture of frozen bloodworms and frozen brine shrimp as a regular diet for my tetras and they are extremely happy. I use vibracolor flake food as the occasional food to keep things different.
I do find that I have to watch how much they are fed because the bloodworms will sink faster than the brine shrimp and I don't like to see a lot of leftovers on the bottom.
I (and my fish) love bloodworms.(YUMMY! lol, no i don't eat them!) I use frozen bloodworms from Hikari, lotsa vitamins. Its allways good to have variety of foods.

I have a puffer that eats frozen bloodworms, and live ghost shrimp. should i feed it both or is bloodworms good enough.
bloodworms,ghost shrimp feed before fed to it,snails and other meaty foods for the puffer.

Snails are really important since it trims theyre beaks. and like all fish variety is a necessity.
I use freeze dried bloodworms as a part of the food rotation I give my fish. They love em. But, if you really want to see your fish go nuts, use frozen blood worms. I purchase the freshwater 5 pack, with bloodworms and other treats. I feed frozen foods once a week to my fish. Every tank goes NUTS! The kids love to watch em go. My rainbows go so crazy I generally get wet when I feed frozen food.
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