Difference in size between BN plecos, same age

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 29, 2011
I got two BN plecos a few months ago. I was growing them out in my 46 gallon community prior to placement in my 75 gallon community.

I thought they'd finally gotten large enough for the transfer and so I waited until it was easy to scoop one up. There's always been somewhat of a size difference between the two, but it didn't show all that much when I first got them.

I netted one, placed it into the 75 and thought, "wow, he's pretty small". (I refer to all my fish as male unless I know for sure). It's taken me another two weeks to finally net the second BN from the 46 community. I finally got him this morning and thought "wow, he's HUGE!".

He's at least 2 inches larger than the other BN, the smaller one probably runs 2 inches.

Why the enormous size difference? They've been in the same tank, eating the same thing. Is it just the difference between male and female? I don't see whiskers on either one, although it's next to impossible with the smaller one.

In browsing at the lfs yesterday, I noted that all of their BNs were really big, about 4-5 inches or so.

Is this size difference typical for BN plecos or do I just have weirdo fish..... :rolleyes:
It could be the other fish simply hasn't hit a spurt of growth yet?

When I had Otos I noticed one was larger compared to the others by a fair amount.

It could also be that the larger is getting a lions share of the food compared to the smaller one?
I guess a growth spurt could be considered. I have witnessed it in some of my other larger species.

It certainly seemed that they were getting roughly the same amount to eat, what with the algae wafers and also munching the algae on the tank walls but I guess you never truly know.

The little guy certainly seems healthy enough, good coloration, gorgeous finnage. I dropped a piece of algae wafer into his hidey hole yesterday trying to keep the gluttonous blood parrots away from it. :lol:
Both plecos seem to be doing fine in the 75. No one is bothering them. I had to laugh when I turned the lights on this morning and saw the super clean patches on the driftwood where they'd been hard at work. :cool:
There is always variation in growth rate among any group of fry/fish, and the biggest being twice the size of the smallest is typical IME. Male BN typically do grow larger than females, you may have a pair, time will tell.
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