Dwarf gourami and krib

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 22, 2011
So I have a female krib and a male gourami and its weird its like they've paired the male protects the territory for the female and they swim together everywhere...what's going on lol
Does anybody have a clue I want to make sure that its not a dominate thing and they start going at it
xfactor6699 said:
Does anybody have a clue I want to make sure that its not a dominate thing and they start going at it

I had a similar problem with a sawed gourami and one of my rainbows. They would swim next to eachother and rub against eachother. Then the pecking started and they fighter ALOT. But they were only establishing a pecking order and it stopped In a week. This is probably a dominance thing because two different species of fish would not pair up. Just observe for a while and see what happens.
I've had various species hang out together. I had a krib fry and a kuhli loach that were best pals. One krib fry schooled with the rummies. I have a pygmy cory that thinks he's an oto.

I love watching it and figure it's a fish integration of sorts. I've never had an issue due to it.
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