Dwarf Gouramis??? :D

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 20, 2011
Isle of Wight
i'm new to the fish keeping hobby, and i was thinking of a list for the new-ish aquarium that i have, and anyway....yeah. i was just wondering if i would be able to keep two male dwarf gouramis ( neon blue, if that makes any difference :D ) together in the same tank, they would also be with otocinclus, neon tetras, guppies, and zebra snail, in a 30 (US) Gallon tank. it's being cycled at the mo, but i'd like to get a list together now :p, so i've had conflicting advice about keeeping the two together, so any input welcome! :confused: :)
thanks in advance! :B-fly:
(love these smileys lol)
Even though Dwarf Gouramis can be the epitome of peaceful, 2 males kept together may have some problems.

Dwarf Gouramis are peaceful towards other fish, but can aggressive amongst themselves, particularly the males. It would be better to keep them alone or with a male and female. There may still some bullying going on, but not to the extent that 2 males will engage in. All Gouramis are somewhat territorial. They either should be kept alone or in a group large enough to minimize the bullying. The only Gouramis I have seen with a minimum of bullying were Pearl Gouramis.

In a larger tank they may be kept together, a 30-gal may be big enough, but I'd watch them closely. I wouldn't do it myself with less than a 55-gal.
okay, i wanted two males because they were more brightly coloured and pretty- but i don't have a back up tank if two males got aggressive so i guess it's best to keep a male and female together! or should i just get a single male gourami? decisions decisions... what do y'all think? :D
I have successfully kept a male and female together. Although the male would sometimes bully her, it wasn't too bad. A male will also do just fine by himself. Gouramis aren't really social or shoaling fish, so that wouldn't be a problem.
ok, thanks for your help, i just read about 'depressed' dwarf gouramis that were happier with a lady fish around... it's possible that i'm just over thinking, lol!
okay, so would buying the first male dwarf gourami, then waiting a few weeks then buying the 2nd one be okay, or would buying them at the same time minnimise the amount of possible aggression?
Buy them together. You don't want one to have the upper hand when you introduce a new kid on the block. It is best if they enter a new territory at the same time so that they can start out on a level playing field.
ok, thanks for your help! one last question, (sorry!) but they aren't easy to breed are they? i have had a few friends whose fish breed by themselves, without any of their help- this isn't likely to happen with dwarf gouramis is it? it's just i don't think i could look after the fry appropriately! :D
They won't normally breed spontaneously. While they are not particularly hard to breed, they usually need to be coaxed with the proper temperature and food.

Although I hate to say this, if by some chance they did breed the rest of the tank will just look at this as an addition of live food! That's what happened to my Bronze Corys when they have tried before.
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