Fin nipping

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 17, 2006
South Dakota, USA
Ok there is some fin nipping going on in my tank. I called the LFS and talked to one of the guys that really has held my hand and helped me. He said not for me to stress at this time. LOL

I am going to take his advise and get more cover for them first before I evacuate any fish from the tank. If that does not help then plan B.

To the LFS store I go tonight for taller plastic plants and more of them.

Any one else have suggestions? 8 white skirt tetras and 6 serpae tetras. Since introducing the serpae the white skirts are picking on each other. I thought it was the serpaes but I see the white skirts taking on each other instead. The white skirts didnt do this before the serpaes were put in last night. Both tetra schools stick together though.

My new spotted pictus is stressing too. he isnt taking the move from LFS to home very well. He is hiding. I thought he was dead and moved the log and he shot out of it and ran for cover. LOL He is very much alive but stressed. Fins tucked a little etc. He isnt gasping for air or acting sick. Just can tell he is on overload stress. I am going to just leave him alone and hope he adjusts.
I agree that more cover/hiding spots will probably help reduce the nipping. If that doesn't work, consider adding more of the white skirts- that usually works with tiger barbs (another notorious nipper).

Your pictus should be ok if you let him be so he can settle in. Just give it time. Good luck!
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