Has anyone done a fish tank/turtle set up?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 11, 2020
Hi, I’ve got a 75 gallon tank with a South American cichlid community in it. There’s 4 smaller species cichlids total (the biggest being a blood parrot who’s maxed out at 6 ish inches) and then lots of schooling community fish. I’ve got some strong filtration and lots of plants with plans of adding more. I’m curious if it’s possible for me to put a small turtle in there? Obviously construct a land area for it outside of the aquarium itself. Has anyone done this with this type of set up?
Hi, I have a 40 gallon tank that houses a common musk turtle along with some guppies, rosy barbs, and a gourami. He has eaten some of the fish before, mainly guppies. I had a rainbow shark at one point but he didn't last long, however I don't know if he died on his own and the turtle simply cleaned him up. But there is no such thing as a turtle that won't eat a fish when he can. I find the mud/musk/stink pot turtles to be the best candidates for tanks with fish though. They're much less agile than many other species of turtle so might be a good option for you.
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