Help with filtration

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 15, 2020
Is this right? I'm uaing marineland filter pad and plastic fence. This filter came with some cartridges with carbon activated, should i add em as well?20200622_123435.jpg20200622_123423.jpg20200622_123351.jpg
The ONLY reason to use carbon is to remove meds. There should be no other reason
It's only *normal* to the stores so they can sell you replacements every few months. If you are doing water changes and keeping up on tank maintenance removing meds is the only thing carbon is needed for
I pay 0.50 cents each cartridge, I was buying them from with twelve was 6 bucks. But I trust .ore this filter pad im using
Carbon is only needed to remove medications or smells from the water. Remove everything and just fill that filter up with as many simple plastic pot scrubbies for the best media and never clean it for about 4 months or more. Done.
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