Homemade background idea

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 19, 2002
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I did this in my first tank(10gal). you buy those bags of polished river stones and build a wall sticking them together with aquarium safe silicon and sand, this gives a cool natural look that the fish can swin in and around. It really looked great and cleaning was a snap since it all came out in one piece. Just an idea for anyone thinking of being creative. :D
It's a great idea, and can look really nice if you spend the time to fit the rocks together well. It's less expensive than importing those awesome in-tank molded backgrounds from Sweden.
I'd never even thought of an ' inside background ' before, if you're creative enough to pull it off, I'm sure it'd look brilliant.
Wow! That's a great idea... now I have mental designs on an in-tank background for my next tank... if I took a sheet of plastic to attach stuff to, I could do rocks and fake plants and some drifwood and... thanks! :D
Nice idea!

Wow!,i never thought of trying that.My current tank only has a piece of brown paper round the back! It's hexagonal ,so would be a bit of a pain to do , but may use it for my next tank (getting excited now :p), it's my 26th birthday pressie to myself! (well why not!). Rather appropriate for a geology student :wink: , though i may have to include a few fossils to satisfy the paleontologist in me!!! :lol:
some people silicone natural cork bark tiles to the back of their tank and staple plants like java moss and java fern to it to eventually create a living background. i haven't tried it yet, but i'm planning on it.
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