Mixed advice on Cuvier's Bichir (Senegal Bichir, dragonfish,

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 24, 2005
New York City - Chinatown
Hi all -
I just purchased two beautiful immature albino Cuvier's Bichir (aka Senagalese Bichir, white dragonfish, polypterus senegali) from a New York City Chinatown fishstore. They are some of the most beautiful fish I've ever owned. They seem to be highly prized by the Chinese community here.

One thing: I'm getting mixed messages about whether these fish enjoy a saline, brackish environment like the one enjoyed by a colombian shark or a bumblebee goby? The local owner says yes, but I'm not quite so sure. My current specific gravity is 1.005. Does anyone know about whether these fish have SG needs? Many, many thanks.
I'm pretty sure they are fully freshwater fish. I've never heard anything about them needing any salt in their water.
No, Polypterus senegalus...the Senegal bichir, like all bichirs, are completely freshwater fish....they will tolerate a very small amount of salt (as in a tablespoon/gallon, as used as a general tonic), but not enough to make the water even lightly brackish.

By the by, congratulations on your purchase....I have several Senegals myself, two of them albinos.

Many thanks for the advice. This'll be a great excuse to start a new tank for them. They are gorgeous fish and wouldn't want them ruined by the salinity.
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