old betta

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 12, 2011
I believe our betta is getting old, is there any advice for caring for our geriatric betta?

He was big when we bought him from the pet store so I don't know really how old he is, but we've had him for almost 2 years.

He used to be so diligent about collecting every scrap of food, he could chase after 3 crumbs and never let a piece reach the bottom. Now he can't even grab one pellet. (I feed omega one betta buffet pellets) When he goes after a pellet he pecks at the water to the left or right of the pellet until it falls to the bottom and then he starts staring at the top of the water again. The pellets do float but when he starts grabbing for it they fall. When he does get a pellet in his mouth it's like he can't hold it and it falls out.

So I started feeding him some crushed flakes that float and he is able to get some of that down. He also gets fed only 3-4 days out of the week (as do all of my fish), I used to feed frozen bloodworms or brine shrimp but he has a hard time with that now too.

He is in a 5 gallon planted tank. Temps are usually around 80, filtered with a small internal filter, not much water flow, and I do water changes weekly (1-2 gallons) nitrates area always around 5ppm, maybe less because of all the live plants. This tank has been stable for the last year.

He used to build bubble nests all the time and he never does anymore. I just don't know what else to expect to help him be comfortable. so any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks if anyone can offer any advice.
Anybody have any suggestions? I have considered euthanizing the poor guy, it's just so sad to see him struggeling to eat some food. He does swim around and try to look macho at times, but doesn't flare like he used to, and his energy is definitely different. His fins look beautiful and not one scale is out of place. Like I said, he lives in his 5 gallon planted bachelor pad.
IMO. If he is just old i would let him live out the rest of his days in the pad. He may still be very happy even tho he has "slowed down" in his olden days.
Sounds like your doing every thing right by him. If he's not sick or suffering then I don't see any reason to euthanize. I had a 5 year old betta and he use to do the same things. Spent the last few months resting in the bottom of the tank only moving when someone walked past.
I agree, sounds like he is well taken care of and should just be allowed to live out his days in his betta-pad. This post makes me sad because my 2 bettas were also adults when I got them so I know my time with them may be limited. :(
Just let the old timer live out his/her days. It doesn't sound like it's sick, so that's good. Just like people and animals age, we slow down.
Alright, thank you for the replies! I will keep feeding the crushed flake food then since it seems easier for him to eat, and keep his home clean and warm :)
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