Speaking of Frozen Bloodworms...

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 7, 2004
I recently had an incident with frozen bloodworms. I noticed how much my fish loved 'em, so I decided to feed them to my pond. Well, the koi ate them up (or so I thought), so all was good.

Then the day came to wash off the filter floss in the pond filter. Upon opening it, I noticed a lot of little red things in there. Thinking they were just leaves and debris, I started to fling them off. Then I noticed that they were, in fact, alive, wriggling bloodworms! They were making their way deeper into the floss!

Now, I am not sure what to think. Either there were eggs that could hatch in the solution, or the worms themselves were in some sort of stasis. I find the latter very difficult to believe. Has anyone else had a similar experience?

Bloodworms are simply the larvae of a tiny fly called a midge. They are commonly found throughout the United States (and most other places as well) so there greatest likelihood is that the worms you found were laid in your pond by some of your local midges and had nothing to do with the frozen bloodworms that you were feeding to your koi.
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