Apple/Mystery Snail

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 4, 2018
so i bought an apple/mystery snail and im wondering if its the same thing i live in California where apple snails are illegal but mystery snails are not, i read some places saying its the same snail and others saying its not, wondering if anyone could clarify that. also my snail has gotten huge, he was already big when i bought him but hes probably added two inches to his shell in the two weeks ive had him, im wondering if petsmart actually sold me a giant apple snail.
Hi could you post a pic? It would help a lot to identify it. Thank you
I don't know about yours but I have 2 Golden Apple snails (Pomacea bridgesii) and they don't grow that fast. Could be the Giant apple snail. I am not sure. Mine has added only an inch in size after about 6-7 months. Like shellyx said, a picture would be really helpful.
I’m thinking that is not a Mystery but a giant apple. It will eat everything in the tank. Mystery snails will not unless it’s dead.
Hate to tell you but if it eats plant chances are good that it's an Apple - mine would decimate any living green thing it came across
i give it a quarter of an algae flake right into the flower pot it sleeps in during the day every night before turning off the lights to keep him from eating my live plants, after he eats it he just goes to the top and breathes then goes over the rocks cleaning them to the other wall breathes ect. apple snails are illegal in california and arent giant apple snails illegal in the US? how huge is this guy gonna get!? also he seems to have a real taste for java fern.... and i dont mind him munching on my anacharis because it can keep up but the java fern is growing super slow.
oh and if you look closely at the picture new smoother shell towards the front is all new in the last two weeks....
Yep thats a cana snail they get huge and eat anything. I had one and really enjoyed her!
Here's a picture of mineMY%20SHELLY-1.jpg
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