My new tank (to be)

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Jacob Morgan

Aquarium Advice Freak
May 17, 2002
Hey all, I plan on buying a larger tank. Not sure what size yet but I plan on just watchin the paper for a few weeks. My plan is to get one with in a few weeks (right after report cards.. I will get money for grades :) ) . I have had a 29 gallon Semi-Reef for almost a yr now. I have kept Damsels clowns starfish a mushroom and whatever critters were on my LR.. I think I deserve a larger tank, don't yall?

One of my mian reason to get either a 55 or 75 is the size. the 4ft length is perfect for my lighting plant. I will build a canopy and we have over 30 4ft shop lights down stairs. (bout 4" wide holding 2 bulbs each) I plan to rack mount several of these in the hood for lighting. Of course given i get the money after this new upgrade i will goto PC. Also I WANT a Tang, I have been waiting for a very long time to get one. As some of you know I have wanted one since I setup my 29. I have not bought one as Val and Aaron and Kevin(s) have all said NOT to. But now with the upgrade I can finally get a tang :D . Not to mention just the size compared to my current tank. Anyway any suggestions? The last 55 we bought (my dad for his F/W fish) he paid I think 5 bux for at a garage sale hehe. So thats what I am hopin for.

Well Thanx guys.

Hi there! I would like to mention that I would go to the 75 gallon over the 55 gallon just because of the foot print. It is really hard to aquascape a 55 gallon tank with LR. I would also get some VHO's lighting now instead of shop lights and then if you decide to have corals, clams, etc you can add MH lighting or PC! JMO Johnny:)
Well good luck in the hunt for a larger tank. $5 is going to be very hard to top or even come close as far as a price deal but hey you never know.

The concept of your "lighting plant" sounds interesting but one thing to consiter is that if you have to put the lights on top of eachother that acutall increase in lighting will be lower given that the bottom lights will acutally block a fair amount of light from the fixtures above.

If you can stagger them like a piramid that would help.
Hi Jacob,

You have to be excited about getting a larger tank. Good for you to start small until you know you enjoy this hobby and are willing to keep up with the required maintenance.

First, a hint... I've found the size tank I have is NEVER large enough. You will set your sights higher each step up.

Others of the group here have offered good advise regarding lighting. I can tell you that I had great luck with NO lighting (normal output) and corals requiring low light in my 75g. Lighting is sometimes something to work up to in the future.

Go as large as you are able regarding tank size. I have seen some outstanding deals in the paper; however, your dad's deal may be a little too much to expect for yourself. Could you wait until Christmas and possibly increase your chances to have a larger setup? Do you have a Buy/Sell local paper to check for good deals?

Good luck with your grades, by the way. You are in a great hobby to provide incentive for a good report card!!! Be proud of yourself all the way around. I am sure your parents are.

Heh, I plan on using NO cause i have them and i can heheh.. Sure i love to use PC but money is a issue for me.. Also yea heh you can use all those abbreviations freely I have been around forever (so to speak).

Anywho yes I am very excited botu the tank... Also we own a pawn shop and well when ppl bring in a fish tank and say a gun or sumtin my dad usually figures all the cost into the gun thus makin the fish tank "free". Another way I am hoping. Yea I am not expecting to pay that for one but Hey I can hope! lol

Also, can I take my DSB my LR and all that good stuff out my 29 put it in my 55 to elimate a cycling period? I do not want 2 tanks I just want one right now. Maybe turn teh 29 in a sump? if I can get a pump to use with it that is.

yes you can use the sand and live rock to cut the cycle down, I doubt it will be enough to not have any cycle but it should be very short. Just let us know when you are going to do it and we will give you some hints on how to do it.
I've moved this sucker once before. Accross town but none the less still the biggest pain in the butt I have yet to have to do. Lol had the heater fulll blast in the car to keep everything warm I was sweating when we got home LOL.

Anyway, It will be a while I still have to find a tank and then make a stand. I wish I knw for sure wat size/dimensions I was getting cause I could start on the stand and really make a nice one without holding my setup time up.


pssst soo many new faces Aaron lol I have seen like 2 ppl I remember.

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