20g high Stocking question

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 23, 2014
Denton, Tx
I have a 20g high tank with the following.

5 Albino cory
6 Neon Tetra
6 Black neon tetras
1 Bolivian Ram
2 Madagascar Rainbow fish

I know the first 4 species will be fine in my tank size but my question is about the Madagascar rainbows as they get decent size( they are both around 2 inches right now). One of my friends had to relocate due to his job so I volunteered to take them on as he had them housed with similar fish, but in a larger tank. Everything seems fine so far, but it has only been about a week. My question is should I try to find a larger tank now (I'm planning on upgrading next summer anyway), or do you think they will be fine in my 20g for the time being. I consulted my local fish store and he seems to think the tank will be fine as long as I keep up with routine water changes and cleanings. I also checked advisor and I am only at 118 percent stocking with these guys in there so I should be able to handle it and my filtration is rated for a 40 gallon tank so no issues there.

Just do large water changes to stay on top of the waste and upgrade when you can

20 long freshwater
40 breeder reef in the making
118% isn't all that bad. If the fish have enough space and you are removing more nitrate than is being put in, then you're not overstocked.
Thanks for the input but I think I am going to see if the lfs they were purchased from will take them back, they are chasing some of my smaller tetras around the tank and I can tell it is just adding unnecessary stress to the tank.
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