80 gallon stock ideas please.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 1, 2014
I just received a family members old 80 gallon tank! :) I already have a planted 40 gallon community tank in my living room and this tank will be in my bedroom. I want a planted tank for sure, but not sure what to stock this with.
I don't want any repeats of my 40 gallon inhabitants, with the possible exception of my corys. :)
My current 40g tank consists of:
8 ember tetra
6 peppered Cory
1 male dumbo betta (super gentle guy)
4 ghost shrimp
(It's a tad under stocked for what it could be, but I may add a school of neon tetra soon)
My husband has requested this tank have something "cool looking" in it :cool: lol so not sure what to get. Any and ALL advice and ideas are VERY appreciated! Thanks! :fish1:
Large school of rainbows would look great in a tank that big. You can have loaches for bottom and a gourami for center piece.
Angels, kuhli loaches, rainbows, discus, gouramis, roselike sharks, bleeding heart tetras, Raphael catfish, and most barbs will work.
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