help! algae on seahorses!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 3, 2008
I've encountered my first problem with my dwarf seahorses, there's algae growing on them! I'm afraid it's interfering with their fins and it's slowing them down. How do I get rid of this? I'm cleaning out the tank right now, putting the horses into a white bowl. Should I remove the algae manually from them? What's the best way to solve this?
they seem to be using their tails to remove some of it, i'm helping them along with a qtip but i don't want to stress them too much
this is quite a natural thing to happen,try dimming the light slightly,if the algae gets to bad use a pippette to remove some off them carefully.I,ve heard some people using mollies to help remove the algae.(yes brackish mollies)
The mollies would be way too big for the dwarfs. I manually removed the algae with my fingers and it seemed to work. it was clogging up their fins and covering their eyes
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