Any thoughts?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 1, 2006
Hello all

I have 2 fish in a 45 G aquarium (they will soon b upgraded to a 250). They are a 10" walking catfish and a 4" pacu. I have noticed lately that something is causing damage to the Catfish's fins. They seem split (for lack of a better description) and some times bloody. It also seems to be chunks or bits missing, not the whole ege tattered. It only seems that the tail and side fins are being affected and not the long fin that runs the entire length of her back. The pacu seems fine.

I am trying to figure out if this is a case of fin rot or if the pacu is nibbleing at the catfish. My thought is that since the pacu is fine, it is not fin rot. Also, the blood leads me to believe it is biting and not rot. Can anyone recommend some pics of fin rot and fin nibbling (i guess thats how to say it) that I can reference? Or does anyone have some advice or insight?

The catfishes behaviour does not seem changed or affedted but I am still worried for her health.

Any help is greatly appriciated.

What kind of decorations do you have in the tank? Catfish genearlly like to hide in things, any chance it could be getting damaged that way? Pacu are usuallly rather docile. I wouldn't think that would be the culprit, but it's possible I guess.
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