can I help my cory? pic

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 25, 2004
Its so sad. My cory has a piece of sand stuck in his "nostril" I know really what its called. Is there any way I can help him? what if it doesn't come out? What do I dooo?
email the pics to me ( and I will try to post for you.

How is the cory acting?
Thanks menagerie! He seems to be acting fine. I just don't know how good this can be for him. Its really in there. I am worried if it doesn't come out he might get an infection. But I cant just reach in and grab him. And do I want to spend the money for a vet visit? Not really. Any ideas?
Oh good, it worked. Once I could not get a pic to post and I had to type in ".jpg" after the file name and it worked.

I'm hoping the gravel works its way out--like a splinter will sometimes do.
Oh SWEET! Thanks menagerie!! If it doesn't work itself out in a few days, or he starts to act funny, I might try to get it out some how. Thanks again!!
Check your upload quota to be sure it's not full. Might need to delete some pics to post more. HTH
You can go into your gallery and delete images. In your profile, it should say how much space you have.
What if you catch him in your net, bring him to the surface, cup him in your hand to keep him from moving and gently sweep a finger from your other hand over his nostrel?
I am going to need to try something. The sand does not look like its going to come out on its own. It is wedged WAY in there. I am afraid to try and press it out because I don't want it to cut him. Is there any way to tranquilize a fish? I think If I could tranquilize him I could pull it out with some fine tipped tweezers.
On discovery channel I think I remember them mentioning it was very dangerous to tranquilize fish because they don't react like humans do. I know there is a way because I've heard of some really expensive koi fish going under for surgery, but I don't know what it was. Even if it did cut him, if your tank perams are good, he should heal up fine. OR you can get some Melafix (is that correct?) and put him in QT afterward with that. I beleive that is the medicine used for healing fins, and other surface problems in fish. However, because it is a cory, I would be a little uneasy of separating him from the rest of the group because of their social nature.
He is eating ok and swimming around fine, but last night I noticed that every once in a while he would ram / scrape his head against some of the decorations. I think the sand is bugging him.
well, I took rubysoho's suggestion and netted the cory. I cupped him in my hand, and it was SO cool. He just sat in my palm and let me pick his nose. Even after I took the net out of the tank he stayed in my hand. Bad news though, the sand is too deep. Unless it some how works itself out (which I don't see happening because he is always ramming into something) the sand is there to stay. I am very sad for the little guy. I hope it doesn't kill him.
Hmmm...perhaps the sand granule will just work its way out - the same way a deep splinter eventually comes out of your finger. Worst case scenario I see is an localized infection, but at least the healing process would probably eject the sand.

I would try to keep the water params as good as you can so his immune system remains healthy. So long as he's eating and swimming OK, there's nothing more you can do.
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