Hi, I'm new to this forum. I have a 10 gallon tank with 2 ghost shrimp and 1 single cory catfish. I know they are supposed to be in a school but the others have passed away. This one my son and I call Scaredy because he (or I guess she) is very skidish when she sees people. My original plan was to make him/her happy and comfy until her time came and retire the tank for a while. But my son (8 years old) said its depressing looking at an empty tank.
So I decided to put a betta fish in and get some more corys. My pet store was out of corys so we just got the betta fish for now. There is no aggression between the 2 fish. They seem to just do their own thing. All this time I thought Scaredy was a he but I guess she's a she. Tonight, I noticed eggs clumped together on the side of the tank. I looked it up and its cory eggs not shrimp. I was very confused as she's never done this before, not even when there were other corys in the tank. Does this mean she really likes her new betta friend?
Thank you for any and all advice.
Also, now I'm afraid to get more corys because there might be babies. Which would be cool if I was set up or had time to care for them but I don't.
So I decided to put a betta fish in and get some more corys. My pet store was out of corys so we just got the betta fish for now. There is no aggression between the 2 fish. They seem to just do their own thing. All this time I thought Scaredy was a he but I guess she's a she. Tonight, I noticed eggs clumped together on the side of the tank. I looked it up and its cory eggs not shrimp. I was very confused as she's never done this before, not even when there were other corys in the tank. Does this mean she really likes her new betta friend?
Thank you for any and all advice.
Also, now I'm afraid to get more corys because there might be babies. Which would be cool if I was set up or had time to care for them but I don't.