I think my cory. My Cat fish, is dying

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 17, 2010
I think my cory. My Cat fish, is dying. He is laying on his side and he is not moving. What should do? Should I put him in the trash? What is a good way to get rid of the fish? He moves very little. Like I said he looks half dead. I did add some fish salt. I am going to wait to tomorrow and if my fish has not moved I'm going to get rid of the fish, unless I should do something, tonight.
Yea Cory my fish is dead

Yea Cory my fish is dead, but my other fish are doing well.
If the fish is dead and you have a garden outside, bury the body in the garden.

If the fish is still alive but dying, wrap it in a couple of paper towels and hit it on the head with a hammer or something similar. Then bury it.
I can't believe what I just read about Cory's

If the fish is dead and you have a garden outside, bury the body in the garden.

If the fish is still alive but dying, wrap it in a couple of paper towels and hit it on the head with a hammer or something similar. Then bury it.

I can't believe what I just read about Cory's, they like to play dead. um, he might of not been dead, but placed in the trash, that is before I got all this info. I feel bad, that fish might have been alive, but he wasn't moving. But that is something Corys do, they like to play dead. I might have made a bad mistake. I have learned from this. It's too late to place fish back in the tank. Lesson, well learned. This is what I found online about Cory's. I beg to beginner's to read this info on Cory fish.
"Actually yes there is. Corydoras will play dead if they aren’t doing well and need to hide from predators or if they are feeling threatened. It’s their way of trying to avoid being eaten or attacked while they are trying to recover from illness or stress."
It's too late

If the fish is dead and you have a garden outside, bury the body in the garden.

If the fish is still alive but dying, wrap it in a couple of paper towels and hit it on the head with a hammer or something similar. Then bury it.

It's too late. The fish is n the trash, I know what to do next time, thanks for the reply. I can't believe Cory's play dead. I whish I would of known. :(:fish2:
If you watch their gill covers for a couple of minutes, it will tell you if they are dead. If the gill covers don't move during that time, and you can reach into the tank and lift the fish up, there's a good chance it's dead.
I did not see his gils moving.

If you watch their gill covers for a couple of minutes, it will tell you if they are dead. If the gill covers don't move during that time, and you can reach into the tank and lift the fish up, there's a good chance it's dead.

I did not see his gils moving. And he was easy to scoop up into my hands. He looked dead. I'm going to wait, until my tanks cycle, before buying any more fish. It was hard to see my fish dead. I wanted to cry. It was all my fault for buying him in the first place. I should of waited before buying new fish. on the good news. My Endlers, live bearer's, are still alive
When should I do a water change?

I did one water change with my 6,5 gallon tank with my endler fish. The Ammonia is at 0 ph is 7.5 no2 is 0 and no3 is at 0 for all tanks. It's getting to be on a week, so should I do another water change, or wait until I see ammonia, before changing my 20 gallon water tank? or should I check my ph, before water change?
do a water change once a week if there is no ammonia, nitrite or the nitrate is low (under 20ppm).

do a water change any day you have an ammonia or nitrite reading above 0ppm, or a nitrate reading above 20ppm.
Ok, will do.

do a water change once a week if there is no ammonia, nitrite or the nitrate is low (under 20ppm).

do a water change any day you have an ammonia or nitrite reading above 0ppm, or a nitrate reading above 20ppm.

Tomorrow I will do a water change of 50%. I already did a wc on my 6.5 gallon, with my other fish, with 2 fish. That reminds me. Do Endler's Live Bearer's school, should I buy more, or is 2 Endler's fine to be in a 6.5 gallon tank. These fish are super tiny. I can barely see them swimming.
Endler's do live in groups but they are not tight schooling fish like neon tetras, so you can keep a couple of Endler's in a tank but fish like neons need to be kept in groups of at least 10 or more.

If the tank is still cycling or has only just settled, wait a few weeks before adding more fish. You also don't want too many fish in the tank because it's a small volume of water.
How many Endler's can I keep in a 6.5 gallon tank?

Endler's do live in groups but they are not tight schooling fish like neon tetras, so you can keep a couple of Endler's in a tank but fish like neons need to be kept in groups of at least 10 or more.

If the tank is still cycling or has only just settled, wait a few weeks before adding more fish. You also don't want too many fish in the tank because it's a small volume of water.

How many Endler's can I keep in a 6.5 gallon tank? right now I only have two. :fish1::fish2::cool:
Also do I do water changes in the tank with no fish?

Also do I do water changes in the tank with no fish?
How accurate are test strips? From your experiences.

Depends on who you ask. Most people say "not very" while others say "accurate if stored correctly". I don't trust them. You don't know if the store you got them from stored them correctly. :confused: I trust liquid tests. (y)
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