Advice for a Beginner

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 31, 2013
Kansas, USA
I have one 10 gallon and one 20 gallon long. These have been up and running for about a year. All but 3 of the plants were traded to me as babies from another member. The 10 gallon has run-of-the-mill florescent lighting, the 20 gallon lighting I got with the tank off of craiglist, but I don't know anything about it other than the lady told me it was good for plants. If I peek in it looks like one of the bulbs is a bit blue and the other normal white. I really have no idea what I'm doing as far as the plants go!

The 10 gallon is dirted (from the garden) with a sand and gravel cap. I am wanting to switch to black sand/gravel to help my cherry shrimp and red ramshorn snails pop. I also would like to have a low-mess substrate. The plants seem to love the dirt, but it makes for almost impossible rearrangements.

The 20 gallon is plain gravel.

I use no fertilizer or CO2.

So, here are my questions.
1. How do I know whether my plants are getting too much/too little lighting? The minimal new growth I've gotten on my african water fern (just relocated from the 20 to the 10) seems less green than the original leaves. Could it be getting too much?
2. I have no idea what several of my plants are. Can anybody identify some of my plants? -the tall ones in the 10 gallon. -the red stem one on the front right in the 10 -the itty bitty sword behind the driftwood in the 20
3. What would be a good low-mess black substrate for a low tech no fert tank? I would prefer not to do dirt again so I can play more.
4. Why do my java ferns have black blemishes on them?
5. Does java moss run up the driftwood like that, or do I have something else mixed in? I suspect I have two types. Oh and forgive the MASSIVE overgrowth, I have a newborn and a toddler. It will get a haircut someday...
6. most of my plants are of a similar green. What are some low tech plants you would recommend for variation (like purples and such)

I am loving the planted tank (more than the fish I think!) so teach me oh wise ones!

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