problems with Java fern

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 5, 2004
Front Royal VA
I would love to give tank prams, I let a friend thats cycling her tank borrow mine.
I have some large bunches of Java fern in my display tank, and in the last month or so, it keeps getting brown spots on it. My first thought was that it was an old leaf, and the spots were from where the plantlets had developed. The leaf had some damage so I figured it was dying. So I pull off that leaf and carry on. a few weeks later I notice the same spots on other leaves. Even some of the new plants. Any idea whats going on here? This tank has been up and running for over a year. I have florescent lighting, but its still the bulb that came with the tank, so its a low light tank. I havent had any probs with this tank outside of the "normal" stuff. I dose ferts about twice a month (I know, I probably need more). Is this a lack of something? I can get my test kit back if needed tomorrow. The overall color of the plant is good, a nice dark green leathery leaf. Is it just that the plant is "old"? I'll see if I can get a few pics up tomorrow. The rest of the plants are fine. Thanks for any ideas!
Likely what you are seeing are 'sporangia', or the reproductive cells of the Java fern becoming visible. Many people see this and believe that their ferns are dying or exhibiting symptoms of decay, but this is almost certainly the reproductive function of the fern visible on the older leaves. Do the spots tend to darken with time? They are almost certainly on the undersides of the leaves if you look closely. Nothing to worry about if this is the case. Your fern is simply trying to reproduce :)
One thing that caught my eye (and not to say travis didn't nail this) is this part:

but its still the bulb that came with the tank

Isn't brown spots a sign of not enough light also? :?
the spots go all the way thru... spots are really holes... all over, it spreads from one part of the leaf, then keeps going... Thought it was just that leaf dying, because it was on the oldest part of the plant. But Im getting it on new growth too... and as far as the light, I have alot of low light plants in there and they are all growing like crazy... Im thinking I just need to toss the Java fern, and get a new bunch next time I see it.
I am now having the same problem with my mini java fern. It had about 12 new plantlets starting and were going really good until 2 days ago and it all turned south. The plantlets are gone all but 2, the leaves are turning brown and falling apart, and it is just not looking good at all.
My anacharis is growing like a weed as well as my java moss so I am thinking that the two of them are outcompeting my java fern for nutrients.
I think the big question for both melody and I is when are there so many plants that they start to compete for nutrients and the slower plants start to suffer?

nitrates-trace late in the day, almost 5 in the morning
fish- very overstocked 8O
java fern is one of the few plants that'll be fine, even thrive, in low light situations.

my guess is a potassium, iron or trace deficiency.
Is your java fern planted or tied to a rock or a piece of driftwood? The "rhizome" I think needs to be able to access nutrients through the water, so if you have it planted or in a low flow spot in the tank, it may not have access to the nutrients it needs so that could be the problem (maybe I am not really sure...?) There is some valuable information on the java fern in the fish and plant profiles forum. I have only had my java fern a few days though and only know what I have read.
well my snails and my SAE's kept eating my java fern... all there is now is the rhizome lol. i tried sticking it in the sand with most of it sticking out but it like getsd covered with sand and i needa look all over the tank to find it.
So the real problem is the snails eating the plant.

The solution is to remove the snails, or stop keeping plants.
I fingered the snails when this happened to my micro-javas. Once I chunked them out of the tank, the holing stopped. Keel da shnails!!!! :twisted:
yeah well... i moved them about 3 months ago... but it didnt have enough leaves to keep working i guess. like the last like 2 leaves died. so now theres just a rhizome :) but i ordered some offa ebay :)
The rhizome is all you need to grow it back out. Just let time take its course.
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