Snails on glass.

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 25, 2006
Queens, NY
Does anyone else find it extremely irritating? The snails in my aquarium are always on the front wall. I don't mind the two big ones that do it, but all of the tiny ones make it look like I have junk all over the front of my tank. I always have to scrape them off with my algae brush.
Please don't buy a clown loach. They should be kept
In schools of 5 in a 125g tank! Just pull them of and toss them. Or do the lettuce trick over night and then toss them in the morning. Buying a fish to fix a problem is never a good solution!!
Its a good job I was joking, bit tongue in cheek! But seriously, you can get assassin snails can't you?
Snails on the glass can be rather entertaining. Check out this weight-lifting ramshorn, had a chunk of coral caught on the shell:

Aron said:
Its a good job I was joking, bit tongue in cheek! But seriously, you can get assassin snails can't you?

Haha well good thing :p. Yes an assassin snail is fine. Clown loaches are all cute and small when you first buy them, but grow very fast and have a big bio load. As well they don't like to be alone :(. They also need at least a 125g for swimming.
Marconis said:
Does anyone else find it extremely irritating? The snails in my aquarium are always on the front wall. I don't mind the two big ones that do it, but all of the tiny ones make it look like I have junk all over the front of my tank. I always have to scrape them off with my algae brush.

I wipe off my front glass. So my snails typically don't hang out in front. I have mostly MTS and a few Nerites. I tend to remove Pond/Bladder Snails. But a few are allowed.

If you want to thin them out, put in a piece of blanched romaine lettuce or zucchini. Weight down w zip tie or SS fork. Turn lights off for an hour, turn lights on, remove pile of snails.
wow! That snail is like the little engine that could. Nothing was going to stop him.
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