protein skimmer

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Ack! That uses a little less Watts than my lighting!
what size tank would that monster be for? I'm actually looking for one good for my 30 gallon. maybe that one would do the trick? LOL
16,000 dollars sure would be a nice Reef setup for everything I could ever imagine paying that much for a skimmer seems a bit ridiculous for sure.
Even more ridiculous would be trying to fit the 8'-6" high thing under your stand! Yowsa!

I noticed that the "self cleaning head" was optional! For that money, I'd kind of expect someone from Deltec to come and clean it weekly for me!
Relatively speaking, that actually isn't that bad of a price. Figure $17,000 for a skimmer that can handle 6,600 gals, or $8,500 per 3,300g, or $4,250 per 1650g, or $2,125 per 825g, or $1,062.50 per 412g, or $531.25 per 206g, or $266 per 103g.
Man...this skimmer is actually cheap! LOL
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