Invert chat, <3 spineless critters.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Sake said:
You know it sounds like they eat anything! Someone even fed them paper towels lol. I imagine they are kind of like snails will eat dead and decaying plant matter and left over crap in your gravel before they'd eat live plants. As far as reproducing quicker than your beautiful fishies which I am not able to get right now...(soooo jealous HATE YOU!), I wouldn't know but I have read you can raise them in 1 gallon jars and such so maybe use them as a treat? BTW I just placed my order with Rachel, this being easter weekend, I told her I didn't mind if she waited a week to send me my order, but I'm soooooo excited (and so hating you for your beautiful fishies!) can't wait to get started!

Hahaha! I haven't got them yet either! I'll probably order them in 5-10 days. :) then 2 days later I'll have them. THEN you can hate me lol!

I don't know so much about a live treat, I don't want them to get spoiled and only eat that! Lol. But otherwise, I was kind of hoping someone used them for good purposes.

I mean if they out compete RCS for food, I probably wouldn't want them.
I'm sure once more of us have RCS communities set up, we will all send each other good stock at cost of shipping, in the hopes of keeping strong strong strains.

Sake, I'm just thinking and our stock will be the same strain. We should compete to see who can get it more red :p
Oh I am also getting outside stock also from my LFS. I figure 2 different sources are better than 1, I am just hoping they have nice color. BTW I can hate you before you get your beautiful fishies to! I so want those chili rasboros! lol

As far as live treats go, I feed all my fish mosquito larva here and there, they go NUTS! It's cool to watch and they aren't picky afterwards.
Maybe I'll cultivate some then. I'll set up a trap in my local trout pond this summer!

I'm looking into the breeding habits of rasboras and RCS, and I'm wondering if the two species will prohibit each other from breeding.

I hope not. I was hoping they'd just help control the populations.
So a bit ago I had some, oh lets call them "overly aggressive" Ghost shrimp. Now I got rid of that batch since they were killing my snails. Got a few more and what do ya ghost shrimp is eating a snail....

Ghost shrimp 024.MPG - YouTube

Sorry bout the bad quality but it's from my digital camera which sucks!
Poor snail. Yeah ghosties are definitely carnivores. Good call on removing them.

Everybody list their top 5 favorite inverts.

I'll start.

1.) OEBTs
2.) Hermit Crabs
3.) CRS
4.) African Filter Shrimp
5.) Nerite Snails
1. Assassin snail
2. RCS
3. Ghost shrimp o_O
4. Crawdad from the creek
5. MTS
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Sort of newbie in inverts

I only have a bamboo shrimp
and 3 Amano

a few Ghost shrimp waiting to see if the berries turn into real shrimp, lol understand odds of that are pretty slim, I am looking for a LFS but don't really have a local one so have to go about 45 min to an hour drive just to check it out for local selection, otherwise will go online.

1. would like orange cat face snail,
2. and some kind(s) of blue shrimp
3. other colorful shrimp
4. some kind of clams
5. maybe assasin snail but at this moment I dont have any snails,
usually kill apple snails within a few months of getting them

Really hoping for new location for just inverts so I can read more people's experiences.
Autumnsky said:
I only have a bamboo shrimp
and 3 Amano

a few Ghost shrimp waiting to see if the berries turn into real shrimp, lol understand odds of that are pretty slim, I am looking for a LFS but don't really have a local one so have to go about 45 min to an hour drive just to check it out for local selection, otherwise will go online.

1. would like orange cat face snail,
2. and some kind(s) of blue shrimp
3. other colorful shrimp
4. some kind of clams
5. maybe assasin snail but at this moment I dont have any snails,
usually kill apple snails within a few months of getting them

Really hoping for new location for just inverts so I can read more people's experiences.

The OP of this thread started a thread saying how we need an invert subforum, can you go there and leave a good word?:) the more people we get, the more of a chance we can get to have one

1) do you mean a tylomania Poso snail? They eat plants readily, just to let you know:)

2) theres BPS (blue pearl shrimp) and Blueberry shrimp, I believe both are neo's, but I could be wrong on that.

3) is there a specific color you were looking for?

4) I don't know too much on freshwater clams, other than they are filter feeders, sorry

5) you can always supply them with MTS snails or ramshorn and algea wafers

If you would like to see a website dedicated to inverts and their care, check out :)
Austin.b said:
The OP of this thread started a thread saying how we need an invert subforum, can you go there and leave a good word?:) the more people we get, the more of a chance we can get to have one
it doesn't work like that. The idea, along with others has been submitted to the admins. I like the idea also personally but posting in that thread isn't going to affect it's chances.
it doesn't work like that. The idea, along with others has been submitted to the admins. I like the idea also personally but posting in that thread isn't going to affect it's chances.
Then what can we do to influence them? Bribe, threaten, or lapdance? o_O
jetajockey said:
it doesn't work like that. The idea, along with others has been submitted to the admins. I like the idea also personally but posting in that thread isn't going to affect it's chances.

Oh really? I didn't know that...
Blue Tiger

Thanks Austin.b! Yes Poso, and probably Tiger shrimp, they have awesome orange eyes!!! Haven't got to the point of doing a REAL shrimp set up, have much more learning to do, just toying with the idea. Once I have researched well enough I will make my decision.

At the prices of some of these tiny treasures...I'm thinking start out with easy and cheap.
Cheap and easy works. When you get lil baby shrimplets you can sell a few, gain some knowledge, then after you make enough cash from your baby shrimplets buy a few of the more expensive type. Granted it won't happen overnight but, you'll gain experience in shrimp doing it this way and have a greater chance of keeping the more expensive ones living.
Autumnsky said:
Thanks Austin.b! Yes Poso, and probably Tiger shrimp, they have awesome orange eyes!!! Haven't got to the point of doing a REAL shrimp set up, have much more learning to do, just toying with the idea. Once I have researched well enough I will make my decision.

At the prices of some of these tiny treasures...I'm thinking start out with easy and cheap.

No problem!! If you have any more questions feel free to ask away here or PM me :D

You might want to start with RCS (red cherry shrimp) first as they are pretty cheap and hardy:) members on here or other forums will usually sell them for about a dollar or so.
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