Invert chat, <3 spineless critters.

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Okay so I made a batch of homemade shrimp food today and tested it out! Turns out the shrimp didn't touch it at all! That was because of all my fish chowing down on it. My yellow glofish is such a douch(not sure if I can use that word here or not lol), he chases EVERYTHING including bigger fish. Well anyways he sat above the food pretty much guarding it! So I guess my homemade shrimp food is now my homemade fish food lol.


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10 minutes later and he's still guarding it...I think he really likes it lol. So far he's ran off my big black neon tetra, which is about 2 times his size, my albino cory which is about 4 times his size, the only thing that he's letting close are the snails.
Wow! Lol. I hope it does get eaten, it'd be sad if it didn't.

Fish sleep at some point. Inverts are opportunistic feeders :)
Lol he's pretty much eaten the whole thing by himself! There are a few crumbs left and he won't let anything near it. Only bad thing is he's changing colors...not sure if that is good or bad lol.
Weird. Very weird.

How big is the tank? You only have one glofish?
29 gallon 2 glofish and 4 zebra danio (same fish).
Oh yeah, I know lol. Before I knew anything, people told me to put glofish in a 2.5 gallon aquarium and I almost did. Beta instead, thank goodness.
Lol yeah my nephew put 3 in a Glofish 2 Gallon Aquarium Starter Kit, needless to say he wasn't too happy when they all died. Anyways I got a quote from inverts by msjinkzd today! Will probably pay for it tonight or tomorrow so my shrimp tank will be populated soon! Only bad thing was the shipping for the rasboros, was too much so I had to pass on them :(. Hopefully a LFS will have them in stock.
Sake said:
Lol yeah my nephew put 3 in a Glofish 2 Gallon Aquarium Starter Kit, needless to say he wasn't too happy when they all died. Anyways I got a quote from inverts by msjinkzd today! Will probably pay for it tonight or tomorrow so my shrimp tank will be populated soon! Only bad thing was the shipping for the rasboros, was too much so I had to pass on them :(. Hopefully a LFS will have them in stock.

Omg you went with her too! I can't wait to hear your review; she seems like a pro.

What all did you order?!
Yeah she was really patient with me, I changed my order a few times and she's been great! I am still going to get a few RCS from my LFS figure 10 from her and 10 from there just to keep my line diversified.
Anyhow I will be ordering....C&P from my email
I will just include some subwassertang for the shrimp to hang onto, no extra charge :)
10 cherry red shrimp $15
5 assassin snails $10
3 MTS no charge

I want the MTS so they burrow into my sand, can't exactly vacuum it and hopefully they'll get any bad gas pockets out of it.
Sake said:
Yeah she was really patient with me, I changed my order a few times and she's been great! I am still going to get a few RCS from my LFS figure 10 from her and 10 from there just to keep my line diversified.
Anyhow I will be ordering....C&P from my email
I will just include some subwassertang for the shrimp to hang onto, no extra charge :)
10 cherry red shrimp $15
5 assassin snails $10
3 MTS no charge

I want the MTS so they burrow into my sand, can't exactly vacuum it and hopefully they'll get any bad gas pockets out of it.

Very very nice. Why so many assassins?

What was she going to charge you for rasboras + shipping?

What is shipping now?
The assasins are going into 2 tanks, the shipping for the fish would of been 31 dollars compared to 11 dollars for just snail/shrimp. There is an online fish store that sells the rasboros about 20 minutes away, I figure I can contact him and just do a local pick up.
Ann very smart.

Thankfully I live nearby. Shipping difference would only be 4 dollars different. So I definitely went for the Rasboras.
Sooooooon. Very soon. Lol. Waiting until I get paid from a recent job I took.

Also waiting for Easter break to finish.

What invert developments do you have for us max!

What do you know about scuds?
That they did, rofl.

These are inverts. About .25 inches long, they live and multiply in gravel.

They eat detritus and poo.
I've never intentionally kept scuds, but I guess they'd be beneficial. I have seen them in a few tanks.

I wouldn't stress too much on MTS stirring up the planted tank, plant roots do a good job of moving the soil around also, plus the gas pocket thing is overrated (although it does happen rarely).
I wonder if I did keep scuds, would they reproduce faster than my micro rasboras who would probably eat them?

Interesting little creatures, it seems online people cant decide wether or not they eat plants. Any thoughts?
You know it sounds like they eat anything! Someone even fed them paper towels lol. I imagine they are kind of like snails will eat dead and decaying plant matter and left over crap in your gravel before they'd eat live plants. As far as reproducing quicker than your beautiful fishies which I am not able to get right now...(soooo jealous HATE YOU!), I wouldn't know but I have read you can raise them in 1 gallon jars and such so maybe use them as a treat? BTW I just placed my order with Rachel, this being easter weekend, I told her I didn't mind if she waited a week to send me my order, but I'm soooooo excited (and so hating you for your beautiful fishies!) can't wait to get started!
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