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Yeah i can attest to ghost shrimp nom nom noming on EVERYTHING...Poor lil snails lol.
Sake said:
I imagine with a heavily planted tank a few at least would survive if the chili's decided to snack on them. Or you could let your population boom a bit then add the chili's (that way I can get mine before you!), and then there would be so many reproducing that I doubt the chili's could eat them all.

Hmm quite the predicament. I may have to set up my half gal planted earlier than I thought. Have the females release their eggs in there.

But I'd hope with all the java moss, some babies would have to survive. Quite an adventure this will be.
MABJ said:
. I say ghost shrimp because they're cheap, very cool and entertaining and they don't breed in fresh water. So when they're gone they're gone.

Let us know what you decide :)

I've bred them in pure freshwater before:) had quite a bit of larva survive:)

And to your other question, yes. As long as it is heavily planted you should be fine IMO. Or you could introduce them after the shrimp "boom" lol just make sure you don't have too many RCS in there at the same time as the Chili's. The bioload might be a bit much. It was crazy, today my Chili's went into hunting mode for about 20 minutes. This was the first I've ever seen them try and hunt. This was right after feeding time too lol they didn't catch anything though, they're so slow:)
Someone said yesterday they are still debating on it.
It'll take time for them to decide. I'm sure there are a lot of factors to talk about.

And if they don't, I'll understand. Why mess with an already good thing.

Let's let the rain fall where it may :).

Austin-- did you have aquarium salt? If not, you had a different type of ghost shrimp. There's loads of ghost shrimp species, a few can breed in fresh water. Most sold in stores can't. I had a batch like yours, once.

I think the general jist of my question is understood. I'll post more in my build thread.

One thing I've been pondering:

Like different variations in all species, is there a difference in the types of nerite snails? Between horned (my favorite) and the tiger striped one, is there a huge difference in how much they eat, the water they like and how hardy they are?
Coursair said:
And to be clear, I would not add Ghost Shrimp with RCS. Amanos perhaps, but they are pigs !!

Yeah, I agree. Ghost shrimp can be very aggressive. After all, they are canibilistic (sp?) I think its just not a good idea to add larger shrimp in with dwarf shrimp.
I've seen ghost shrimp grab small fry and gobble them down, I would never consider ghost shrimp with RCS or anything really small.
Lucky me my ghost shrimp don't mess with my rcs but I've seen ghost gobble up get before as well :( very sad
Okay so I need some advice from ppl with experience with rock shrimp
Would they do good in temps of 84-87?
They like strong current?
Low ph/soft water?
I've never heard of Rock Shrimp! I'd love to learn more.

I wasn't suggesting putting RCS and ghost together.

I was suggesting starting with ghost shrimp first, instead of RCS. :p
OBEYtheFISH said:
Okay so I need some advice from ppl with experience with rock shrimp
Would they do good in temps of 84-87?
They like strong current?
Low ph/soft water?

By rock shrimp, do you mean Atyopsis moluccensis?
Starter Shrimp Situation...

I already have 5 Ghost shrimp. I have had them off and on in my main tank, as I buy them and they become meals and buy more...

This batch ended up with probably two males, smaller bodies, and one with a ton of babies that looks like she will drop them any time, the other berried that looks more like circles but they have already grown too so they seem to be getting longer and less like a circle, and one which had a little darker area there so maybe preggo.

This is in the 6.6 Fluval Edge, but my guppy fry born day before Easter are there so after being advised to get them out (Ghost Shrimp) it was the day Big momma and little momma were popping out babies. I make sure I am feeding small amounts through out the day, to keep them well fed.

I tried to get them out but the Edge isn't designed for getting shrimp out of a planted tank with some plastic plants with 17 fry swimming around using a bulky triangle shaped net with shrimp that don't want to get caught.....LOL

So now that the fry are easier to see I can try some more. I wanted to leave the two fat mama shrimp just in case they have their babies.

Good idea or bad?

Any other helpful ideas. There is a Cory in there too.

In my main tank I have a mixed peaceful community tank with the Filter shrimp and three Amano shrimp. So I can put the Ghosts in there, they will just need to stay away from my Spotted Raphael 5" cat.

The Amano shrimp I got to help clean the tank and really didn't intend to breed them.

Will the variant blue red crystal shrimp breed true or mixed babies? (I want blue Tiger, but too expensive and I have too little experience I think)

Anybody keep/raise the Blue Tigers...what experience level to keep, breed???

What else is blue, and easy to breed and reasonably price, I also like the the red and white ones, and I would probably like to have two or three kinds that wouldn't inter breed, is that possible? I haven't bought things online I have seen shipping is sometimes too much, we just don't have much for LFS.

I have to make a trip down to Denver, I will see if there are any stores in the vicinity of where I am headed.

So many questions, thank you all for the help.
As for catching a ghost shrimp, I've heard of people making shrimp traps and baiting it with food. Just cut the top off a 2 liter bottle and turn it upside down. You may want to put a few holes in for waterflow through the bottle, that way they don't die if you leave it in there for a spell.
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