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Cornstar said:
I accidentally left my heater off for 2 days after doing a water change. I just turned my heater back on, do you think my RCS will be ok?

Be careful, I think the rapid change in temperature probably did more damage then anything. If none have died already, I doubt any will :)
senemedar said:
I think I'm losing last of my Red Cherries :(
For a last few hours she's going round and round in the tank, won't stop for a second; all the way across and around the tank.

Last time I've seen something like that - next day I took the dead shrimp out of the tank... :huh:

Any ideas of what might've cause this? I know I have a Nitrates a bit high at a level just above 20ppm, but all the others are zeroes, and pH is 7.6 . . .

By any chance did you have the filter off, or on a very low setting? If so, don't worry. IME shrimp become much more active when there is no current (filter turned off for a little) if not, can we have the tank specs to help you solve the problem?:)
Cornstar said:
I accidentally left my heater off for 2 days after doing a water change. I just turned my heater back on, do you think my RCS will be ok?

They should be fine. I'd take it slow and not do a water change or anything for a few days. Maybe only raise the temp a few degrees an hour.

@senemendar -- I'm not sure! I'd monitor them closely and keep us updated. Definitely tell us more.
Senemedar, a heartfelt tear for your little guys, it is very sad, I am sorry for your loss. Ihope your last one is a toughie and makes it.

Is it a shrimp that requires any salt in the water...
Bit nervous, my shrimp arrive today! Hope they are okay, and acclimate well. Do you think I should do a big water change now before they arrive, or wait a few days?
Sake said:
Bit nervous, my shrimp arrive today! Hope they are okay, and acclimate well. Do you think I should do a big water change now before they arrive, or wait a few days?

I would do the water change before. It's better to have them have perfect water than it is for them to have good water. LOL.
Good luck,Sake! You know we will want pictures! I'm sure max got everything right lol.
Drip acclimation has begun!


  • drip acclimation 013.jpg
    drip acclimation 013.jpg
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Drip acclimation of Assassin Snails :D:D:D:D:D:D:D


  • Assasin snail 003.jpg
    Assasin snail 003.jpg
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Darnit I feel like a lil kid at christmas hahaha!
So would I!!! How do the little buggers look? Are they colored up?
So far I only see 1 clear 1 the rest are a real nice red! Bit too small for me to take a decent pic while they are in a 5 gallon bucket but will upload a few more later on.
Hello all. Sorry to interrupt but ive got what i hope is a mild problem.
Recently a pal o mine gave me a pile of plants from his shrimp tank and i put em in with my rcs. Now im overrun with planaria! And i mean they're everywhere!
I dont overfeed but theyre attacking pondsnails so I've got two questions.
Will they harm my rcs
How do i get rid of them?
Thanks n again i appologise for interrupting.
fishfanatic said:
I used "No-planaria" it says it is safe for shrimp but I think I dosed with it wrong because my shrimp started to die... It was more than likely my error, but have someone confirm that it is safe before you use it.

Well, I'm sorry to hear that. But from what I've heard, they are definitely harmful to shrimp. They secrete something harmless only to shrimp. Otherwise they are great for eating dead plants I hear.

The quote above is a treatment someone here tried. I'm not sure that it worked for him.

I hope you get it under control. I'm also not sure if planaria attack pond snails, I'd do thorough google research.

I hope you get it all figured out :/
Cichlid Kid don't worry about interrupting us! I'm no expert on Planaria so I do not know if they will attack your shrimp, but if they are attacking snails it may come to that. I seen a video where someone used a common bottle bait trap to catch and remove them from his tank. Just put a few rocks in the bottle, put some bait, he used blood worms, make a few small holes so they can get in, and remove when you have a decent amount in the bottle and dispose of them.
Sake said:
So far I only see 1 clear 1 the rest are a real nice red! Bit too small for me to take a decent pic while they are in a 5 gallon bucket but will upload a few more later on.

I'm excited to see them!!

Definitely don't worry about interrupting! This is a thread for everybody lol.
Sorry to interrupt and I asked about this in another thread but figured there might be someone here that might know.

I am in the planning stages of a new tank. 10 gallon heavily planted with low light plants.
I want to have a RCS/ Pygmy Sunfish tank
So my question is will they work well together? Anyone have experience with this?
Thanks! And sorry for the interruption
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