I'm a longtime animal lover but new to fish keeping. I got a used 30 gallon (3ft) aquarium and am finally done cleaning it up, and need to get serious about planning. I really want a heavily planted tank as a way of bringing color & light into my relatively dreary living room, but am getting conflicting information about how simple/complicated, high/low-maintenance planted tanks are. As this is my first attempt at fish keeping, I want this to be a minimally-expensive project and (if possible) on the low-maintenance end of things. I would really like to follow this method (http://www.sudeepmandal.com/hobbies/planted-aquarium/low-tech-planted-tank-guide/) but I'm not sure if it's really as simple as it sounds.
Can anyone tell me what kind of time/money investment I'm looking at? Even things as simple as maintaining/cleaning the filter (for a power filter- sponge filters seem quite straight forward, though again, I've read conflicting information about how appropriate they are for a planted tank).
The current hood is an All Glass T8 fluorescent with a 17 watt bulb. The highest wattage I've seen for 36" T8 is 30 watts- will 1wpg be sufficient for this kind of low-tech system, or are there other bulbs I haven't seen that I can use without replacing the entire fixture?
Can anyone tell me what kind of time/money investment I'm looking at? Even things as simple as maintaining/cleaning the filter (for a power filter- sponge filters seem quite straight forward, though again, I've read conflicting information about how appropriate they are for a planted tank).
The current hood is an All Glass T8 fluorescent with a 17 watt bulb. The highest wattage I've seen for 36" T8 is 30 watts- will 1wpg be sufficient for this kind of low-tech system, or are there other bulbs I haven't seen that I can use without replacing the entire fixture?