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Great to hear possible for mustard spot I jus had to give up my albino sail fin pleco because he got to big when I first got him as a baby was told he was an albino Bristol nose well when he reached 7inch in 8 short mons I relised he was not Bristol nose broke my heart :-(
Great to hear possible for mustard spot I jus had to give up my albino sail fin pleco because he got to big when I first got him as a baby was told he was an albino Bristol nose well when he reached 7inch in 8 short mons I relised he was not Bristol nose broke my heart :-(

I feel your pain :/ I had to rehome my 10 inch common because he was being a menace.
In don't see myself paying 120$ for a pleco I really want a zebra pleco but not at 450$ I think the highest I would go is like 50-75 but it better be one awesome fish lol.
In don't see myself paying 120$ for a pleco I really want a zebra pleco but not at 450$ I think the highest I would go is like 50-75 but it better be one awesome fish lol.

You might like the sunshine pleco then :) my lfs has one for 70$. They get to a foot and are in my opinion one of the most beautiful plecos. I like zebras but not worth the money unless you're breeding them IMO. A sunshine would look amazing in your future tank :)

Check it out :)
Crazy, one of my buddies on Instagram gets his uber expensive plecos for FREE from this random guy he also met on IG. I'm so jelly, they're both from Cali.

I would jealous! I've been looking for green or blue phantom plecos for ages now! I've found an adult green phantoms for 100$ but I want a juvenile one for a cheap price haha.
I would jealous! I've been looking for green or blue phantom plecos for ages now! I've found an adult green phantoms for 100$ but I want a juvenile one for a cheap price haha.

Where are you from? A guy in newyork is selling his phantoms all atleast 5 inches for 60$. I brought him down to 40$ each though ;) looks like my phantom is getting a buddy to share the 75 with :D
Where are you from? A guy in newyork is selling his phantoms all atleast 5 inches for 60$. I brought him down to 40$ each though ;) looks like my phantom is getting a buddy to share the 75 with :D

Minnesota, so new yorks a little far haha
Oh man... Would be great if I could workout some shipping for you but I think you'd end up paying about 100$ eitherway :( I never really liked the blue phantoms as much though, just personal preference :)

Thanks but That's fine I would probably just get one of each then(;. But I'll still check out my LFS if they lower the price for me in the future.
The sun shine is beautiful... I can't get enough plecos I'm going have like all plecos in my future tank lol. I know ya gotta watch them together but I had very good luck with my sail fin, clown pleco, and a African feather fin getting along in one tank lol.

I had seen a blue phantom in PA about 2.5-3 inches for 40$ about 8 mons ago I was going to get him but didn't have 40 on me went home and straight back and he was gone :-(

I'm just glad my boyfriend is supportive of my pleco addictions.. I set up the 15 while he was at work the one day and he went up stairs came back down says "tank looks nice babe" he really don't mind what I spend on my tanks as long as it don't put us in a bind lol. Almost got my self in a bind with a zebra glad I didn't.

Also some one asked if I knew the sex of the cons I think I have a male n a female the one has a lil pink/orange spot show up on her belly I just noticed but they are still tiny so only time will tell wit the other one!
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