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May 23, 2013

I went and bought 2 convict fry and was wondering what size tank they will need to be happy. They will be the only 2 fish. Right now I have them in a planted 15g. I know when they get bigger planted isn't going to work. It was a spare moment thing I have African cichlids angels community fish no SA cichlids got em for 50 cents so what the heck right what's another tank also I found this "orange spotted" pleco for 30$ I'm wanting to get but is it a good deal?



Would a 30g be ok or a 40g breeder. My sister had a breeding pair but can't remember what size tank she had.
$30 for a pleco is not really worth it IMO. But that pleco does look really cool. The convicts will need 20 gal or larger when adult. Do you know their gender? You also want to know if that pleco grows really big or stays about the 5" or less.
30-40 gal is great for them. But the fry actually need a bigger tank than the parents. Lol
From my research it get up to 9 inches but Average about 6 inches. But can't find a going rate for them any where.

No I don't know the cons sex yet they are tiny lil guys yet I have a empty 29 long so that should be good for them right? Also would a albino Bristol nose work to go in with them? A lot I've been reading cons are extremely aggressive but the pair my sister had lived with a frog, two guppies and cories guess she just got lucky.

If the cons are a breeding pair, the bristlenose would definitely get killed because the cons are extremely good parents and don't allow anything get near their eggs. A 29 will be good. Cons that grow to 9"!!! No no no. They max out at around 4-6". Lol.
I was talking about that mustard pleco getting 9 inches...

I know the biggest con I seem was prolly 5 inches.
. By the looks of it it is an Adonis pleco witch can get HUGE! I'm talking 2-3 feet. They will turn jet black with age. They are selling 6-8" Adonis plecos at my LFS for 120$ so 30$ Is a great deal IMO.
. By the looks of it it is an Adonis pleco witch can get HUGE! I'm talking 2-3 feet. They will turn jet black with age. They are selling 6-8" Adonis plecos at my LFS for 120$ so 30$ Is a great deal IMO.

Holy snap. Adonis will get huge but it doesn't look like one. If it is an Adonis, it is a great deal but still not worth it. You would need at least a 200 gal tank for that monster.
They had him labeled as a orange spotted pleco when researching came up wit mustard spot as well help for others iding max is 9 inches but Average around 6.

Why do you say he's not worth it is that just to much to spend on a fish? I paid 40 for my 4 inch golden nugget pleco. I don't mind the high prices just don't wanna get ripped off I build my tanks around my plecos :)
They had him labeled as a orange spotted pleco when researching came up wit mustard spot as well help for others iding max is 9 inches but Average around 6.

Why do you say he's not worth it is that just to much to spend on a fish? I paid 40 for my 4 inch golden nugget pleco. I don't mind the high prices just don't wanna get ripped off I build my tanks around my plecos :)

Great pick up for the price!
I emailed my buddy a picture who is a catfish expert and says that he's 100% sure that's an Adonis displaying juvenile coloration. The spot color is extremely variable. He said he's seen the spots, white, canary yellow and virtually every other shade in between.
They had him labeled as a orange spotted pleco when researching came up wit mustard spot as well help for others iding max is 9 inches but Average around 6.

Why do you say he's not worth it is that just to much to spend on a fish? I paid 40 for my 4 inch golden nugget pleco. I don't mind the high prices just don't wanna get ripped off I build my tanks around my plecos :)

It's all about the plecos haha. Lucky price for the gold nugget, cheapest I've seen here is 60 and they're not even that big :/

30$ is an awesome price dude, the dorsal fin looks like that of an adonis, short and high, as well as the tail fins long laces, but without a picture of the actual specimen I can't give an exact answer. (Most likely its adonis) but Adonis or not though, grab him as soon as you can. They're really hardy, so they should be fine with your convicts. Would be even better if it was an actual mustard spot, since they are panaque and will stay on the driftwood, away from your convicts. If it actually is an adonis, I'm SURE you'll find a home for him extremely quick, since there's a pretty high demand for them.
Maybe ill see if I but if it grows past max size for they have it labeled as I can take him back. He's just so darn beautiful a 220g Is in my future but note for like a yr or two....
Maybe ill see if I but if it grows past max size for they have it labeled as I can take him back. He's just so darn beautiful a 220g Is in my future but note for like a yr or two....

A 15 gallon really isn't big at all though unfortunately... I'm sure if you had a 40B or a 55 then you could house him for at the most 2 years until you get the tank. They had an 8" pair for 220$ at my lfs.

After taking a better look at your pic it doesn't look like an adonis, you might indeed have a mustard spot on your hands. If so, 30$ Is still a great price. I paid 30$ for my royal
I have a 55g that its going in never said it was going in with the convicts I shoulda put that tho my bad
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