Doug's 250, now 300, in wall build

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Very well actually. I am still learning where in terms of lighting and flow these wild colonies prefer to be, but everything seems to be doing ok, besides one colony, which browned out under 100 PAR. I've since put it pretty high up in the DT and am hoping it will bounce back.
I'll shoot some pictures today.
I guess we really never stop learning about our own tanks. Glad to hear everything a going great, looking forward to some more pics.
Ok..I'm off today due to weather, so I got the pictures off of the camera and uploaded them-

Here's one of the sumps. Sorry it's so blue, I'm slowly increasing the white leds as an acclimation process..

Purple wild colony...This must have been used to very high light because it lost some color at the lower branches. I've since raised it up...

Green polyp bn..


Green hammer-

Green carpet-

another caroliniana..

an efflo I'm trying to find the right light and flow for...


5" clam which was about 3" when I got it -

blue stag and spongodes-


green bubble...

this hitch hiker ric seems to like the Taotronics also...

Amazing shots. What % do you have the blues on? How often do you increase the whites and by how much each time?
In the main display they are the non-dimmable units, so they are at 100%. In the back tank, I have blues at 100% and whites at around 40% so far. I increase the intensity 1 increment a week. Everything seems to be responding well so far. When I am at 100% I'll transfer some things to the main display.
Awesome pics! The extensions on those sps is crazy! Keep it up man, I think we are all drooling!
Thanks! And did I forget to mention, no dosing, or calcium reactor in sight? Just weekly water changes. Roughly 10% a week.
Also, I'm using the straight blue and white Taotronics LED fixtures that many forums say cannot grow or color up corals. I've been using these exclusively since the tank was set up.
Thanks! And did I forget to mention, no dosing, or calcium reactor in sight? Just weekly water changes. Roughly 10% a week.

You didn't mention your use of voodo and other dark arts to get the coral to grow. Also, I am suspicious of where your used beer ends up...
God love the no dosing. Any ideas on fighting off the algae problem I have in my tank? It is creeping up more for me. Gfo wasn't solving it. The phosphate resin is as effective as high efficiency Gfo, but just can't beat this stuff. It's on power heads, cords, rock, and all over the sump... Where I light it to force more to grow there rather than in the dt.
Power heads and cords can easily be cleaned. take one power head out at a time and run them in a vinegar solution overnight. You might want to remove the tiny brittles and such before hand though.
The sump I wouldn't worry about. This is where you want algae to grow.

Your only issue is the rock. How bad is it? Post a pic.
Beautiful corals Mr. X, that pocillipora is to die for!!! I'm hoping one day my tank can look as awesome as yours. :)
When things look great, do a water change, when they look bad, do a water change, when my butt itches, I take a shower....and then do a water change! LOL.
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