HOB filter recommendation

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Yep given the choice I much prefer canisters. I'm running a 29 gallon using a Filstar xpm and I couldn't be happier. Again for me the cheapest option is Pet mountain I was able to pick it up for $92 no tax free shipping I figure if I run this for 2 years at 365 days a year its very economical again especially because the media is included all ready. I'm not sure what a similar capacity filter from enhiem? would cost but I don't know if it's worth the difference in the up cost.

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Edit: For those who want uber crystal clear polished water, go here and see my post #2

I did go and read your other post, good info. I knew that filtration is important but I didn't know there was so much to it. The video that was posted in that link of that guys water is ridiculous!!! I didn't tank water could look that clean. I am definatley saving my pennies for a C4. I like the idea of a canister style HOB filter. I would like to go canister but I don't want to look at the hoses and stuff. (my tank sits on my dresser)
I love how the Fluval filter is being touted in this thread as the only HOB filter that can properly polish your tank water. It's just not true. The filter media rather than the filter itself is what polishes your water. If you stick a 100 micron polishing pad inside ANY filter it will polish your water crystal clear and filter floss will do the exact same thing.

I used to run a cascade 80 ($12.99) on my 10g planted tank and it didn't even look like there was water in the tank, this was done solely with the filter pad it came with and some filter floss stuck in along with it.
I love how the Fluval filter is being touted in this thread as the only HOB filter that can properly polish your tank water. It's just not true. The filter media rather than the filter itself is what polishes your water. If you stick a 100 micron polishing pad inside ANY filter it will polish your water crystal clear and filter floss will do the exact same thing.

I used to run a cascade 80 ($12.99) on my 10g planted tank and it didn't even look like there was water in the tank, this was done solely with the filter pad it came with and some filter floss stuck in along with it.

I know there are other good filters out there. I really like my TopFin 60. I also had a tetra wisper 5-15 that did a good job as well. I just think the design on the C series is good. Are there other HOB filters that use the ceramic media also? I know aquaclear has the little bags. Is the ceramic media the best?

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*best filter media* is a strange term to me. I've never personally seen or heard of someone overstocking a tank soo much that there isn't room for enough bacteria to grow on to convert the ammonia. Plastic pot scrubbers, cut to size filter pads, and ceramic rings all do the same thing yet there is a preoccupation with the most surface area leading people to spend ridiculous amounts of money on media.

All rambling aside, imho they all do the same thing. If you want to spend the money on ceramic media then go for it but it will work just as well as plastic pot scrubbers.
I love how the Fluval filter is being touted in this thread as the only HOB filter that can properly polish your tank water. It's just not true. The filter media rather than the filter itself is what polishes your water. If you stick a 100 micron polishing pad inside ANY filter it will polish your water crystal clear and filter floss will do the exact same thing.

I used to run a cascade 80 ($12.99) on my 10g planted tank and it didn't even look like there was water in the tank, this was done solely with the filter pad it came with and some filter floss stuck in along with it.
IF you go back and examine my prior threads, you will see that I agree with what you are saying. I got nearly perfect results with an Aqua-Tech 30-60 with a home-made pre-filter loaded with floss in a biobag so clean water went into the dirty water chamber which had Seachem Matrix & purigen ...... and both outflows had 100 micron AquaticLife non-woven polishing pads.

Here is the problem: It was an unsightly pain in the you know what. Hours every month. I got tired of it. The Fluval C series does in 3-5 minutes of monthly maintenance what my "home-made special" took hours to do and with ZERO mess as opposed to a disaster area kitchen. My time is more valuable than that.

And the Fluval are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much quieter.

My gosh ...... just because something works well for 20 years .......... doesn't mean something better might come along.

Until 1990, I thought the American cars I had been driving for 20 years were "just fine." Well, I bought a Lexus LS400 in 1991 and discovered the benefit of advanced technology. Maybe we all should welcome advances in technology of HOB filters as well.
*best filter media* is a strange term to me. I've never personally seen or heard of someone overstocking a tank soo much that there isn't room for enough bacteria to grow on to convert the ammonia. Plastic pot scrubbers, cut to size filter pads, and ceramic rings all do the same thing yet there is a preoccupation with the most surface area leading people to spend ridiculous amounts of money on media.

All rambling aside, imho they all do the same thing. If you want to spend the money on ceramic media then go for it but it will work just as well as plastic pot scrubbers.
You mud be on a tight budget. Pot scrubbers in an aquarium filter ......... I am not that financially desperate yet.
IF you go back and examine my prior threads, you will see that I agree with what you are saying. I got nearly perfect results with an Aqua-Tech 30-60 with a home-made pre-filter loaded with floss in a biobag so clean water went into the dirty water chamber which had Seachem Matrix & purigen ...... and both outflows had 100 micron AquaticLife non-woven polishing pads.

Here is the problem: It was an unsightly pain in the you know what. Hours every month. I got tired of it. The Fluval C series does in 3-5 minutes of monthly maintenance what my "home-made special" took hours to do and with ZERO mess as opposed to a disaster area kitchen. My time is more valuable than that.

And the Fluval are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much quieter.

My gosh ...... just because something works well for 20 years .......... doesn't mean something better might come along.

Until 1990, I thought the American cars I had been driving for 20 years were "just fine." Well, I bought a Lexus LS400 in 1991 and discovered the benefit of advanced technology. Maybe we all should welcome advances in technology of HOB filters as well.

Again with the cars?

If you are spending "hours every month" and "turning your kitchen into a disaster area" with filter maintenance, that is user error not equipment issues. It takes any normal person all of 15 seconds to switch out the filter floss every other week on any of my HOB filters and maybe a minute at most to clean the cartridges.

You mud be on a tight budget. Pot scrubbers in an aquarium filter ......... I am not that financially desperate yet.

I'm a college student... Duh

However if you were capable of holding off on looking down your nose at us poor folks and take a look at the reason why the pot scrubbers are a great filter media then you might learn something that isn't from an advertisement.

Plastic pot scrubbers have more surface area than most other kinds of filter media and will never clog like the "high tech" filter medias out there such as the ceramic media and products like seachem's de nitrate.

Paul1792 said:
you win my "stingy, stubborn, unrealistic miser of the year award."

Not sure why you are such a cheapskate ......... but more power to ya !!!!

Keep up with your home-made remedies from yesteryear and have a great time.

One day Paul maybe all of us can be as good as you.
Enough of the bickering. The idea is to help the person that posted the thread, not argure about one persons suggestion.

I have always stuck with fluval/hagen. I have had an aqua clear running for 7 years. Never died on me. You could just buy a new motor, thats the only part the does anything. That should cure your problem.
Agree giants! There is no need to take it to the level that has gone to. It's possible that it's a matter of preference both can a good job depending on how it's constructed (meaning the type of media and the order of same media). Also agree with replacing the motor. I would contact hagen as they do have top notch customer service.

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Enough of the bickering. The idea is to help the person that posted the thread, not argure about one persons suggestion.

You're right, I usually try not to get into it like that on another person's thread but I have an issue with people casually throwing unnecessary insults around.

To the op: Sorry for taking the thread off track.

Have you thought about going with a canister filter instead of a HOB?
I have read a lot of reviews on various different canisters and they sound great but i read sometimes they leak and require a bit more work to clean. Also my tank sits on my dresser and I dont really want to look at the unit and all of the hoses. Lastly to do it really clean looking I would need to drill my tank for the inlet and return. I just dont want to do all the work on this particular tank. If I had a stand to hide all of the equipment. I like the idea of the C4 because it sounds like a canister quality filter that hangs on the back.

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I had to clean my fluval once a week (I mean the filter pad). Now I clean my Eheim 2213 once 2 month.

After 2 month, it's really dirty, and require a little more maintenance than HOB, it do the job without rising my nitrates for 2 month... After the maintenance, you're good for another 2 month :)

Hoses are easy to detach without any leak, you not have to prime it (except the first time you setup it).

Ahhhhh I'm doing my aquariums maintenance at this moment :(... Very long to osmose water for my reef tank, I just finished cleaning my 10g and 30g. I'm ready to dose ferts :p
Nice! Can you post some pics of your filter and maybe you tanks?

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Whoa... this is a lively thread! Finished a bag of popcorn as I was reading :)

Anyways... a big +1 here on the fluval C series. Most innovative HOB I've had the pleasure of owning. The only filter I like more than it are my fluval 06 canisters. But for ease of cleaning and value, the C series all the way. I have AquaClears as well, but C series is an improved system and worth the small increase in price.

I'm a college student, too.. media is really not that expensive to argue about. To each their own. But in all honesty, fluval comes boxed with great media off the bat. Extra cut-to-size polishing pads, filter floss, extra bio media (i.e. biomax), and purigen isn't necessarily going to break the bank.

To the OP, check out my ADA 60P (17g) thread. I have plenty pics there. It's a high clarity tank so anything less than crystal clear water would not be tolerated -- well... by me at least. I've been using a C2 and SunSun surface skimmer since my tank is topless. I've recently switched to a C2 and eheim skim350 combo.

Here's the link:
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Nice! Can you post some pics of your filter and maybe you tanks?

I'm the guy running 29g wide hightech planted tank with the Eheim 2213 canister. This tank is 8 month old.

We don't see the canister on the picture, but the final result. We can see the stock spraybar and how I inject CO2 into canister intake.

On this one we see a bit on the tubing.
[...] but i read sometimes they leak and require a bit more work to clean.

They leak if you don't pay attention for the o-ring. The o-ring will dry over time, and need to be replaced each 3 years I will say. 0 drops of water leaked from mine until now (3-4 months).
*best filter media* is a strange term to me. I've never personally seen or heard of someone overstocking a tank soo much that there isn't room for enough bacteria to grow on to convert the ammonia. Plastic pot scrubbers, cut to size filter pads, and ceramic rings all do the same thing yet there is a preoccupation with the most surface area leading people to spend ridiculous amounts of money on media.

All rambling aside, imho they all do the same thing. If you want to spend the money on ceramic media then go for it but it will work just as well as plastic pot scrubbers.

I'm actually trying to find plastic scrubbers to put inside of the Fluvals I have but can't find them :(

I have a collection of vintage Fluvals 203's and 204's that I have purchased over time from Craigslist and they still work superb. I don't feel like spending lots of money on their proprietary media so I've been using the loose media filter pad that comes in a big bag, blue on one side white on the other but it's way too fine and clogs up fast.
I'm the guy running 29g wide hightech planted tank with the Eheim 2213 canister. This tank is 8 month old.

We don't see the canister on the picture, but the final result. We can see the stock spraybar and how I inject CO2 into canister intake.

On this one we see a bit on the tubing.

Nice tanks! On your salt water tank, is that a HOB filter you're using and is it the only filter you're using?
I see what looks to be a skimmer on the side.
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