So I have seen this light available for pre-order on amazon and I intend to get one as well and us th 24/7 feature to help make my light more like real sun for the pond lilies I intend to grow.
First off, this product looks excellent for the price. I bought a current USA 36" just like this for 140$, and it only lit half my tank. This one was measuring 60 about 6" deep in that small aquarium so it should maintain at last a medium light par 30-50 throughout most of your tank.
The video stated it has the same output as the previous finnex planted fixture, which lit my whole 36" wide bowfront tank that is either 48 or 55 gallons, so you shouldn't need a second light, the one planted strip was enough to grow plenty of algae in my tank. You are going to need some sort of cheap c02 diffuser or at least the tablets to cut down on algae.
Since my tropical lily is stated to need 16 hours of light in full sun per day, I am going to use a t8 with it in case I need more powerful light for any period in the day...I wouldn't recommend 2 of them simply bc of the price. With one nice LED one t8 that I could actually personally sell u a brand new one cheap(I couldn't find a 36" fixture that takes a 36" light for under 55$, so I bought a 2 pack for 67$, figuring I can sell it for 30$ plus shipping to make half my money back.
This is where I need help. I have never needed to add c02 to a planted tank until now bc my lilies need light for so long each day. I am using 3 6500k t5's to light the tank now, but I think they are getting old, bc they are making green algae water fast and the lilies aren't making floating leaves anymore like they did when I had my finnex planted +(sold to buy the 24/7)...
I just need to know the cheapest way to c02 to the tank. I looked at a pressurized c02 tank and it was 120$, a cheaper setup that makes its own c02 for 20$ but needs replacement c02 every 6 weeks that costs 5$(I am going with this if I nobody gives me better advice) and my other option is to hook up a couple c02 diffusers to an air pump. I have always just used air stones in my planted tanks, and I have 2 air stones on one side of the tank, I thought 2 cheap c02 diffusers/atomizers on the other side would be a nice experiment, a hardy lily with air stones on one side, and a tropical with co2 on the other side(I might try this and the last product I mentioned if I can't some unanimous advice) I am worried that the c02 diffusers will not work on a regular air pump though, which is why I am asking about them. Has anyone ever tried a c02 diffuser attached to air pump. I know it won't work as well as if it were connected to straight c02, but does it work at all.