Betta has fun rot...

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 17, 2017
So my veiltail Betta has fin rot. The water parameters were horrible for about two weeks. I went to the store today and picked up some Melafix and Aquarium salts. Currently he’s in a 1.5 gallon qt tank. How much should I dose him? Also I have heard bad things about Melafix on labyrinth fish. Would it still be safe to use?IMG_1516054478.054537.jpg
Ok, I clicked for fun rot and now I'm not having fun... everything happening here is wrong.. No offense.. whomever deemed anything under 5 gallons suitable for a Betts clearly had a time machine and saw hanging wall globes on Instagram in their dreams.. now.. back to reality. That fish would really really like a 5 gallon tank. They're even on sale now at spetco, a heater.. some water conditioner. Throw the melafix at the neighbors possum, possums love tea tree oil, bettas do not. Just change water every few days and it will heal.
My autocorrect is having a problem sorry. I have been changing the water, but it doesn’t seem to be working at all.
Yes. Isn’t cycled filtration a filter that is filled with BB? I only rinse my filter cartridge in used tank water.
Yeah you're quite right in saying you've heard bad things about it, don't use melafix! Just water changes and good quality food for him. Also if you can grab some Indian Almond Leaves, they have great healing properties. Aquarium salt is also good and I think it states the dosing on the side if you're using it for healing, also stress coat/zyme :) I hope he gets betta soon ? (I noticed you put 1.5 qt, presuming that's quarantine, if you're normal tank is 5g+ then that's fine, but if not, after qt try and get your hands on a bigger tank for him)
Here's an excerpt from "The Betta Bible"

Symptoms: Fins look like they are being eaten away at the edges and take on a ragged appearance. Contagious.

Treatment: 100% water change followed by treatments that are designed to treat fungus (not melafix or bettafix). Regular large water changes should be carried out every other day until the fins start to regrow adding Almond Leaf after each water change can help as the leaves release chemicals with antibiotic properties.

Prevention: Keep on top of your water changes and parameters, dirty water is the most common cause of fin rot.

Hope this helps clarify!

Source: Dr Martin Brammah, "The Betta Bible". Page 309.
Thanks!! What exactly is wrong with Melafix? And where can you get Indian Almond Leaves?
Thanks!! What exactly is wrong with Melafix? And where can you get Indian Almond Leaves?
I believe it's the tea tree oil ingredient, as it's an oil it will reside on the surface, which is where Bettas utilise their labrynth organ to breathe. There's more to it I'm sure but that's pretty much what I can gather from it. I get my Almond Leaves from Amazon, they're pretty cheap and usually come in big packs :)
Would the Aquarium salts in the tank need to be dissolved before putting them in the tank? After work tomorrow, I’m planning to do a water change. Should I do a 100% change? I last changed the water yesterday.
Would the Aquarium salts in the tank need to be dissolved before putting them in the tank? After work tomorrow, I’m planning to do a water change. Should I do a 100% change? I last changed the water yesterday.
Aquarium salts don't dissolve really but you can sort or stir them in some dechlorinated water and that will make them much smaller, they do dissolve over time obviously, just not instantaneously so don't worry about big pieces. Yes I'd say 100% daily until you start to see some noticeable changes, you could get away with maybe 60-80% but might as well just do 100 and measure your parameters each time and keep an eye on everything to ensure the water is healthy whilst he heals :)
Aquarium salts don't dissolve really but you can sort or stir them in some dechlorinated water and that will make them much smaller, they do dissolve over time obviously, just not instantaneously so don't worry about big pieces. Yes I'd say 100% daily until you start to see some noticeable changes, you could get away with maybe 60-80% but might as well just do 100 and measure your parameters each time and keep an eye on everything to ensure the water is healthy whilst he heals :)
I'd also ensure there aren't any sharp decorations/plants in his tank just to limit the possibility of any fin ripping ?
Tomorrow I’ll do the water change and add the salts. I guess this is a good lesson about always keeping water clean.☹️
He does have a sort of spiky plastic plant that he loves. I’ve never seen him get injured though...
Tomorrow I’ll do the water change and add the salts. I guess this is a good lesson about always keeping water clean.☹️
Yeah exactly, it's sad when a fish has to go through something but at least you can educate yourself now and make him happier and healthier :)
He does have a sort of spiky plastic plant that he loves. I’ve never seen him get injured though...
It's just precautionary whilst his fins are in a bad state, it's a general rule not to have sharp/spiky/rough decor for a Betta because they are so delicate :) Maybe you could try pick up a silk plant soon, they have some in really lovely colours!
If you look in the pic above, on the right side you can see the plant. I’ll remove it until he’s doing better, then see if it’s damaging his fins
My betta’s comdition has been doing okay. I’m not sure if he’s got velvet also, or inflamed gills. I think I’m overreacting. If I shine my phone flashlight on his body, I can see a sort of gold on his tail and a little bit on his body. The inflamed gills look like they have a little bit of a rust red on them. I have been religiously changing the water and adding salt daily. I added in Melafix this morning, and he seemed to perk up.
Theres some good information on this blog regarding disease and the actions you should take to prevent and stop them if you can. :) I hope he gets better soon
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