Recent content by jadefoodog

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  1. J


    i cant grow snails fast enuff . my JD eats them like candy . i grow them in my 5g tanks and my 10g tetra tank but when as soon as i drop one in my big 55g with my dempsey its toast lol.
  2. J

    Looking for a hardy, schooling fish.

    nope black skirts the name, but they are also called black tetras. awsome fish but you need a dark substrate or they will be a plain silvery color . i had mine in play sand and wasent that cool lookign but i added black sand and when he goes to that side of the tank hes awsoem looking
  3. J

    Can of Sardines or Open Ocean?

    lol its one thing to beat a dead horse but to acctually dig it out of its grave to beat it is a little overboard. im sure theres a few threads exactly like this that were started a little closer to this year. if your looking for approval for your overstocking its doubtfull youl find it online...
  4. J

    Better method than the "1 inch per gallon" rule?

    well for 1 the person who asked the question probably quit comming here a few years ago, i figure that kinda matters. also i find that typically after the first 4 or 5 post on any given thread and question answering quickly becomes battle royal of everyone trying to prove thier point, often...
  5. J

    Anacharis anyone?

    if its true about having a forest in a month ill hook you up its allways best to keep a chain of good will going
  6. J

    What a noob!

    i use the sprayer on the sink to rinse mine
  7. J

    love me some peppers

    i feed mine flakes bloodworms and algie wafer chunks but they are in a planted tank so they munch on plant debri all day long
  8. J

    Blue Jack Dempsey

    cricketsa are also a cheap healthy alternative to feeder fish
  9. J

    love me some peppers

    lol the size for peppers varies from site to site . from 1.5 icnes to 4 inches. ive got a variety of tanks and im getting a 55 soon so we will have to see. i honestly hope they get 4 inches but if they only get 1.5 thats cool too.
  10. J

    love me some peppers

    thanks, some of the plants are exsperiencing transplant shock so they are a bit off. ill post some pics a few months after im fisnished with that tank and everythings the green green it should be.
  11. J

    love me some peppers

    theres 5 in the tank next to my desk , i just added more live plants . they show up awsome on the black sand. ive had those guys since they were bout 1/2 inch long now some are 1 and 1/4 and ones like 1 and 1/2. the tank may be a little overstocked but i do pwc's 2 or 3 times a week. they got a...
  12. J

    love me some peppers

    heres one kinda close partial tank shot
  13. J

    classroom aquarium

    you could do 3 corys, 1 male guppy and 2 female guppies . 2 shrimp and a couple snailes. there you cover both fish and inverts. within a month or so your class can exsperience birth. you also cover most of the water colum. i understand you probably dont have the lighing for plants but would be...
  14. J

    29-34 Gallon Freshwater

    put in an oscar that will calm him down. lol jk dont do that put him in the 100g with the oscar. lol some bettas are just mean
  15. J

    Roommates Tank

    id say do the filter thing. and work on your aquascaping for a while get some plabts and the right lighting and see if you can keep from killing your plants before you try tp keep from killing your fish. then when you add your fish you wont have to stress them out adding plants later. PS...
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