Looking for a hardy, schooling fish.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 13, 2006
I'm interested in getting a hardy, schooling fish to fit in with the others in my 55 gallon aquarium. Currently I have six silver dollars (3-4 inches each) and seven cory cats (though I may increase this to 10 or so, they are too cute)...

I have tried neons without a hint of luck, I'm not sure whether the silver dollars are picking them off (I'm never seen much aggression), or they are just too weak! Anyway, does anyone have any suggestions for schools of smaller, hardy, colorful fish that I can add to liven up the tank? And if you could include a number of them with your suggestion that would fit in with my tank, that would also be helpful. Though I can probably figure that out myself!

I love Harlequin Rasboras. A school of 7 or 8 would look very nice, IMO. I have a school in with my 3 Silver Dollars now, and they look great, and get along great.
I have a school of 10 Harlequin Rasboras in my 55 gallon. They are really tight schoolers and become a nice dark orange/red color once established. They are very hardy in my experience.
I thoroughly enjoy my Zebra Danios. They're fast, somewhat pretty and very curious. It's nice because the tank never looks bare, as they swim pretty much everywhere. Always hungry though - they make it somewhat difficult to feed my Rams. I would think a school of ~ 6 or so would fit nicely in your tank.
yes, your silver dollars are most ptobably eating the neons. You could try cardinal tetras or rasboras. heck you could teachyour silve dollars a lesson and drop in some tiger barbs.
i also recommend rasboras. or there's a tetra that they sell at petsmart called a black skirt tetra, but they probably have different real name. they're absolutely beautiful in a school.

i'd say the silver dollars would eat anything small... especially when they get bigger. i don't know how nippy they are, so you might want to avoid anything with real long fins too.

you could try cherry barbs too. they're nice and bright and look awesome in a school.
nope black skirts the name, but they are also called black tetras. awsome fish but you need a dark substrate or they will be a plain silvery color . i had mine in play sand and wasent that cool lookign but i added black sand and when he goes to that side of the tank hes awsoem looking
I just wanted to thank everyone that responded to my query. I looked into all the suggestions and decided to go ahead and get 8 harlequin rasboras!
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