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  1. C

    Greening tank

    It's been a long while since I last posted here... My tank has been going strong for a while now but in the past 2 weeks it's been getting greener and greener. It's never had even a trace of algae before and the most recent changes would be a new canopy and filter but that was back in july. I...
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    Apple snails and Melafix

    Does anyone know is melafix is harmful to apple snails? Ususally my apple snail is very frisky, jumping off my plants and exploring but ust recently I noticed one of my cories had some split fins so I rushed out got some melafix and started treating. Yesterday was the second dose and I noticed...
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    Treating water

    Well, I know I should but after nearly 10 years of fish keeping I have my doubts. I have never treated my tap water for chlorine, ever. My fish seem fine, never had any problems with my goldies until the crash and my cories and snail seem to be fine with the way I handle my tank. I am going to...
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    Possible parasite

    Alright so today when I came home from work I noticed tht my goldie had a kinda orange/pink discolouration under/on a scale (he's silver), I thought this was odd and looked sloser to see a dot at the edge of the scale, like a white pimple. very small maybe 1mm if even, this is the only one i've...
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    Argh, fish gifts

    I recently recived 3 assorted platies as a gift, My main tank can not accomadate them (ph is too low/ temp is too low) so I'm going to have to setup up a new aquarium or return them (they don't look to be in the best helath either 1 has no dorsal fin, one has no anal fins) so i've setup a temp 5...
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    A lungfish appeared My lfs recently, a heafty price for a FW at $50 but man does he look interesting. He's about 8-12 inches long and has thick thread like legs! its like an eel with 4 toothpicks stuck in its sides. I'm thinking about acctually buying him up but I don't know what it's needs or...
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    Tiny Tank filter (DIY)

    I know this may be for the DIY section but I thought more people would see it here. I came across this guide while browsing about live plants, seems like it would be good for a betta bowl. Heres a preview;
  8. C

    Grow Lights

    I was at a local Canadian tire store today and noticed some 25" grow lights, I bought one mounted it on the wall about 15" above my tank and made a makeshift shade so it doesn't blind me. It lights the tank well and though the cover (made of 1 use bread pans, I know totally ghetto) looks kinda...
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    My LFS just got in some Freshwater "Red Crabs", I didn't get a good look at all of them but they looked like female fiddlers. They were only $10 for 2 so im thinking of making a crab tank in my 10 or maybe 20 gallon tank. What kind of care do these guys need, all I know is that they need some...
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    New and improved PH question

    Alrighty, I went out and got a gh/kh test and a nitrite test (sorry no nitrate tests were $30 for 12 uses, yikes!). Results as follows Gh - 60 - Soft Kh - 30mg/l - Really low Nitrites - 0ppm Ammonia - 0-.25 ppm Ph - 6.2-6.4 Contents of the tank include fake plants, small gravel, a rock and a...
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    ARGH nooooo!

    My big comet has always been really skitish while being fed but this time he went too far.... he went up for a bit i food and when I went to sit down i hit the floor with i thump, he dartet into the side of the tank and.... :cry: broke a chunk of his's kinda red. He didn't finish...
  12. C


    What causes ph to drop, my tap water is an even 7.0 but my main tank is always 6.2-3, my QT tank stays at 7.0. All it has is an aquaclear 300 and fake plants.
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    rare but worrysome behaviour.

    I have only noticed this twice in my remaining gold fishwithin the past few months, but when he does it it really scares me. He will be acting normal, swimming around then he will start to get really frantic shaking his head back and forth Really hard then will jerk a little and go back to being...
  14. C

    Aquarium rock worries

    I splurged about $60 at my lfs today buying a back drop a cave some silk plants and a 4lb sedimentary layered rock. It has bands of mostly white with red/brown stripes and I think it may be a tad calcium rich because its scratchable... Could this be very harmful, would it raise ph by chance...
  15. C


    My large goldie is at a point in her sickness that there is no use and she is obviously suffering. She is far into fropsy and has pine coned, she is developing sore on her sides so i've decided to put her out ofher misery. Sooo.... I need to know how much vodka/oil of cloves to dose her with...
  16. C

    Ph problems

    I'm trying to add cory cats to my main tank but I want the ph's to match up before I make the move. The ph in the cory QT tank is 7.0 but the ph of the main tank is 6.3. I bought a ph stabilizer which put the ph to 6.8-9 but after one day it was back at 6.3. I don't know what would be causing...
  17. C

    plans scrapped, new 20g sand tank going up.

    I decided that instead of trying to add cory cats to a established comet tank I decided to start a new sand substrate tank. I have a 20 gallon tank, an ac mini, 50w cheap heater and driftwood. Thus are the supplys I have so far other than food and test kits. Fish wise I was thinking of adding a...
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    Raising ph

    I just picked up some test kits and all my parameters were great except for ph, which was around 6.2. Whats the best way to raise ph?
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    Best filter

    I'm looking to buy a better filter for my 40g tank, in the price range of about $60-$100 (canadian). Right now I have an aqua clear 300 and an a mini on it. Any suggestions?
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    I want to buy a lighted hood for my 36"x12.5" aquarium But I don't really know what to look for, I looked around on bigals but everything is like $500+. Is there such thing as a cheap good hood? my tanked doesn't have alot of plants, i'm really just looking for asthetics.
  21. C

    Snail eggs?

    Today while cleaning the outside of my tank I noticed a brown spot about .5cm in diameter filled with dark brown spots about the size of a pin head. I have 2 small snails both around 1cm, a trapdoor and a ramshell. I don't really want baby snails so i'm just gonna wipe it off just incase, but I...
  22. C

    Q'ting new fish

    I have decided to add 3-4 cory cats to my 55 gal, and to make sure every thing goes swell i'm gonna Qt them. Because they are bottom feeders should i put some substrate in? I have a 20g, 10g, and a 5g (which is best?), but the only filtration I can spare is a aquamini that is on my 55 gal with...
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    Building a cave

    I've been thinking about builing a cave or hiding spot in my aquarium and I'm just wondering if I used some old lego (cleaned and with corners filed off) would the plastic do any harm?
  24. C

    General corycat Q's

    I'm interested in adding a small school of cory cats to my 55 gal tank. How many is an Ideal number for their happiness? Do they need live plants or can they live with silk/plastic? Will they be happy with my large comets? Is gravel of average size (.5cm or there abouts) small enough substrate...
  25. C

    Fish info

    I'm looking to make some additions to my 55 gal, and was wondering if anyone knows some good sites with profiles of fish. Info like temp, food, size and such.
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