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  1. J

    Small leak on the bottom of my 75 gal acryllic tank

    Hello all. I'm finally going to set up a used 75 gallon aquarium tank I bought used a couple of months ago. I am currently running a second water-test by filling it with hose water and allowing it to sit a couple of hours to ensure it wont leak when I set it up inside. I am noticing a small...
  2. J

    Setup necessary for 75 gallon fancy goldfish/seasonal loach tank?

    I am looking to set up the new 75g acrylic aquarium I got to house my three fancies (still small), perhaps one more fancy and a few seasonal loaches (the ones that change color). Am wondering if I will need just a filtration system appropriate for a tank of that size, or if I should also...
  3. J

    Need acryllic tank advice

    Hello all. Earlier I scored two acryllic aquariums (one 60 gal and the other 75) for a total of $20, previously owned by a skilled aquarist. Upon text filling the first [smaller] one the back end split in half, ruining the tank. I am now trying the other and it is almost full and I am wishing...
  4. J

    Snails/compatible goldfish invertibrates?

    Hello all. I have been working a new job for about a month that takes away from my aquarium time, so I am looking to get a freshwater invertibrate for my goldfish tank to help with algae and waste. So far I have only gotten feedback regarding snails as being the most compatible tank-mates for...
  5. J

    Mantis shrimp

    Hello all, been a while since I posted here...sorry about that, been stressing about work and personal life so I have simply been maintaining my four goldfish and their aquarium (which has been going well, if I do say so myself). Anyway, I am looking to get my own place by next spring, and my...
  6. J

    What to do with fish you can't manage

    As some of you may remember, about a month ago I upgraded to a 50 gallon tank. However, I feel it is still over crowded. I have four fancies in there (one fantail, one pearl scale, one black moor and one oranda) and I am starting to face the music that the space is still insufficient for that...
  7. J

    Do Goldfish Have a Pecking Order?

    Hey all. Finally, I have upgraded my aquarium to a 50 gal, and my three fish were comfortably moved in. However, I'm noticing my larger goldfish sort of picking on the newest fish. He will chase him and nudge him around, but doesn't nip at his sides or anything. It reminds me a lot of pecking...
  8. J

    Large goldfish aquarium

    One thing my three goldies have taught me over the months (going on a year now) is that they are deceptively needy, but it always feels worthwhile. It's nice knowing that my fish actually recognize me and look forward to simple things like feeding. Saltwater and fancy freshwater fish would be...
  9. J

    50 gallon goldfish tank prep?

    So I have found a 50 gallon aquarium I can afford and I want some advice on how to prep it for my three goldfish. I read somewhere that you need to cycle for like 2 this amount of time really necessary? I would rather not keep my fish cramped during that time frame, especially if I...
  10. J

    Foam in goldfish tank?

    Hey all, a question about one of my goldfish tanks. Just a rundown, I have two tanks, both 10 gal (looking for an affordable 30+ gal at the moment). I have one fancy in one of them (8 months old) and two very small goldfish in the other (one black moor, about 3 months old, and one oranda...
  11. J

    Fish in the morning

    Do you guys notice peculiar/lovable behavior in your fish when they notice you first thing in the morning? My fancy (7 months old now) is in his own tank and he seems to get restless at night, so I began draping a towel over his tank around 10:00 every night to help him sleep. I really love...
  12. J

    Blind Fish Feeding

    A while ago I was posting about the chaotic situation of my three goldfish and their two aquariums. Things have been much better for the last two weeks; all of my fish seem happy and healthy, the amonia levels in both tanks are in the safe zone, and the smaller goldfish I was panicking about is...
  13. J

    New fish has recovered, black moor is having trouble

    It has been about four weeks since the move and three weeks since the smaller goldfish was added to my Black Moor's tank (10 gallon; upgrading soon). For about two weeks the new goldfish was sitting on the bottom and occasionally acting anxious, so I got the ammonia in the tank down to the...
  14. J

    Is it normal for goldfish to chill there sometimes?

    So, finally both of my goldfish tanks are not saturated with ammonia (both test tubes turn out yellow instead of green or green/yellow). My fancy is always really active, but usually in the later hours (around 11:30) he sometimes chils a couple of inches from the gravel and moves his fins...
  15. J

    Fin Rot- Medication Hardly Worked

    I'll bet you guys are tired of my posts about my Black Moor. You see, he's adorable and I would like to keep him around :[ Anyway, about a week ago I began treatment on my Moor for the fin rot that occured after he was bullied and shared a tank with my bigger fancy. I bought the Metafix Fin Rot...
  16. J

    Things to know before DIY'ing an aquarium?

    My goldfishes need a bigger home, and I'm gonna give it to them, even if I can't afford one of the $150 aquariums at my LFS. I used the DIY tool website that was linked in this section's sticky to look up materials and plans for an acrylic 45-gal. It looks simple enough, but of course, I do not...
  17. J

    Beginner saltwater predators?

    I've got my hands full with my goldies as is, but I do enjoy thinking about what sorts of fish I might want in the future when I get more experienced. Since I started aquaria several months ago, I have liked the idea of a saltwater tank hosting one or two predators and no more, since my dad...
  18. J

    Substitute for de-chlorinator?

    Honestly, this last week has been straight from fish-owner hell. Since I got home from college- after nearly seven months of having no issues with my fish- *everything* seems to be going haywire. I'm stressed out of my mind enough with life as is, to be dealing with seeing my fish looking so...
  19. J

    My goldfish is crazy

    So I have two goldfish, and my eldest is a fantail I have had for about six or seven months now. He is currently in his own tank because he was being a jerk to the smaller one. Anyway, he is for sure the strangest fish I have ever seen. He is constantly active, even at night with the lights...
  20. J

    Is this normal behavior for a black moore goldfish?

    So I got my black moore about two months ago. I recently had to move back home from college, and up until the move, things were fine with him. However, the trip home was a bit of a bad go of it for Little Dwarf (my Moore's name). I was forced to put my older and larger fantail fancy (I've had...
  21. J

    I love owning fish but I can't touch them

    So I have always, always loved fish. My dad was an aquarium enthusiast growing up, and I loved seeing all of his fish- from the tiny home-hatched killifish in their brackish tanks to the baby baracuda he had for a while in its own tank. I also have always loved fishing and eating fish. But...I...
  22. J

    Moved Black Moore to New Tank, Sluggish?

    So for the past few days the fantail goldfish I have had for around 5 months now began picking on my new, small Black Moore (I've had him for about three weeks). At first he was sort of just pestering him if he happened to wind up next to him, but I woke up this morning to see the older fish...
  23. J

    Help fast, please! Goldfish is acting freaked out

    The Issue: Please read below for full details about the tank cleaning I did earlier, and the information on my tank and fish...thanks, I'm a bit panicked. Anyway, my goldfish is acting strangely. He is usually pretty active (a normal gold fantail, common variety), and swims around a lot...
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