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  1. P

    Long time no see! I got a new fish and would like some input :)

    Hey guys, been forever since I've been here @__@ wheee lol I recently gave up a lot of my fish to my agricultural high school, so i decided to try a new fish in my 29 gal. My friend and I were at Petsmart and I told her she could choose my next fish, so what does she choose... an "African Leaf...
  2. P

    Betta Fish - Gill Problem

    I think what my betta's have is those gill...flukes or worms or whatever, but i'm not sure. Two of my female bettas have one gill raised and what looks like a peach blob underneath them. One's been like this for a while, the second one just got it and is being sluggish and breathing heavy. At...
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    Goldfish Acting Strange

    Long time no see guys! My goldfish Flare has been acting weird for the last few weeks. At first he was acting like a normal goldfish swimming around and doing great. Then he started like...getting himself stuck under my whisper filter, going sideways and unable to really get out, getting stuck...
  4. P

    Er.. I got eggs?

    The only egg laying fish that I have (that I KNOW of) that I have more than one of are my cory catfish and my CAEs(?)....I have little....blob clear/whitish eggs on my marble gravel... are those cory eggs? o-o I know they're not my ramshorn snails so I have to go with a fish x.x
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    Little worms???

    I just looked in my senegal bichir's tank that has like thousands of ramshorn snail babies in it and on the glass I found this little tiny 1/4" opaque worm things crawling around....what are these? O_O; I mean they're ALL over the tank glass squirming around in different sizes...he's the only...
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    Question about Spotted Cory Catfish

    I've had my spotted cory catfish for almost 6 months or longer I'm going to say and I have an albino and green in there as well..and those guys maxed out at about an inch and this one's like...wider and longer than those two.. I'm starting to wonder if this is first off a different sex but are...
  7. P

    My poor goldfish LOL

    I moved my goldfish into my 20 gal long tank with my mollies for a while while I fix up his tank and my little male molly Dizzy, who must be sexually repressed, began to try to breed him... and Flare's just at first ignoring him until Dizzy keeps at it..he's probably thinking...This is the...
  8. P

    Feeding Carnivorous Fish Live Food

    I was just wondering if anyone had like a good rule of thumb for how big the prey should be in comparison to the animal and how often to feed live prey. I have a 7-8" senegal bichir and I was just pondering the idea of giving him live food every once and a while
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    Senegal Bichir discoloration -be concerned?

    My senegal bichir Dragon I noticed has discoloration on the top of his head, into the beginning of the neck above the gills and a streak along his top left side to the side of his dorsal fin... I don't know how long he's had this but I'm just noticing it now..I don't know if it's anything bad...
  10. P

    Fish Getting Fat- Blaming New Food LOL

    Okay, I bought this new product that I saw at my Petsmart to feed my Dinosaur Eel. I bought HBH Super Soft Frozen Food Alternative With Krill for Freshwater and Marine Fish... Now I've been feeding this stuff maybe a month or two now... and I've noticed my fish that are eating it are...
  11. P

    Dwarf Puffer Obsession at my School >_>;;

    Okay, we have this little dwarf puffer at school that we've had for maybe a month or two and practically everyone is always up at the tank going...OMG! IT'S SO TINY AND ADORABLE I WANT ONE! And me...having had one before I'm you even know about them? they're little demonic terrors if...
  12. P

    Ramshorn Snails question

    Okay i have a healthy population of ramshorn snails and right now I'm fine with it (lol).. but I was wondering if anyone knew how long it takes for the baby snails to hatch out of the egg casing.. and how long it takes them before they're like... big enough to see without squinting lol ^^;
  13. P

    Anyone else taken pity on walmart fish?

    I was at walmart today and naturally ...I go over to the small fish section... and everyone knows how bad their fish are, so yeah, you guessed it I found crappy fish tanks and bad looking fish. But what REALLY caught my attention was their gouramis... skinny as a sheet of paper and there was one...
  14. P

    Goldfish "eye lid" swollen

    My goldfish, Flare, was swimming around near the surface only and being a bit clumsy with his swimming so I took a good look at him and the skin that covers the top portion of his eye (not his eye directly) is swollen up like a baloon! If this is some sort of pop-eye it's odd o-o His eyeball...
  15. P

    Oldest fish...

    What's the oldest fish you've ever kept? I have a molly about 4 years old (based on growth when I bought her to the 3 years I had her) and she's still kicking :D ^^; kinda sad when I think about it LOL
  16. P

    o-o I think my molly is special -seen? heard?

    Okay I've been looking around and I've had mollies for a long time but I have NEVER seen a molly with metalic blue scales mixed in with the normal orange, white, and black... but low and behold my newest addition from like a month ago has metalic blue scales....anyone seen or heard of mollies...
  17. P

    My fish keep disappearing!

    I lost a little cory catfish the other day and now I'm missing a HUGE crowntailed betta.... The tank was like 3-4" lower than it should've been because I took the rocks out so there's no way in heck that betta could've jumped out.....I looked everywhere around the tank and such and it's just...
  18. P

    Goldfish with discoloration spot

    I have oranda goldfish who I've had for a while...probably like 3 months or so. He has a circular patch of light orange to white scales on his right side right above his lateral line between the start of his dorsal fin and at the end of his gills... probably about a centimeter diameter...
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    Question about Koi

    Okay....this is a Koi we have at school...I do not have it lol It's about..2 foot long and near it's anal fin it has a protrusion sticking out...and since people are like freaking out that it's prolapsing and some people are like....Mrs. Hahn thinks it's a girl it's just got eggs! @__@ I'd...
  20. P

    Errr.... Question on behavior of ADFs

    ...I just went into my room and I have one frog grasping around the middle of the other frog... If I remember correctly, isn't that a mating behavior? And if I also remember correctly if they have a white spot under their arm they're male.... because.. I hate to break it to him if that's the...
  21. P

    Question about Shells

    Okay this is probably a common question but if you put a snail shell (like something a hermit crab would live in) into your tank would it affect it that much? If I remember correctly I think it's said to put calcium...things... in ^^;
  22. P

    Are certain aquatic creatures more prone to dropsy

    I've just been thinking about this since my recent passing of my ADF who had dropsy and I've noticed, since I've been keeping fish anyways, that certain species are affected by dropsy more than others... I know that most species have their own "usual suspsects" as most anything does... but I've...
  23. P

    Difference between eel-like and eel

    One of the foreman at my school asked me what the difference was between the ropefish and senegal bichir we have at school and an actual eel because I told him it's an eel-like fish and I was like....I knew the answer to that at one point but now I don't know ^^; Can anyone tell me...the only...
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    Question about cycling a tank that just restarted

    Okay I just restarted on of my 10 gal tanks and I left some water in the bottom with the gravel and it has some snails in it when I took the water out of it because i was planning on refilling it but I never got around to it. Do you think I'll need to put a fish in to cycle it? I know you can do...
  25. P

    Goldfish missing scales and general questions

    My goldfish Flare, the poor guy, has one eye due to my late 8" senegal bichir tearing it out...and he's like..missing three scales on that side. Now I know one day one was falling out and now there's two more randomly missing... O.o do you think my goldfish is just being a spaz and smacking into...
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