Goldfish "eye lid" swollen

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 10, 2005
My goldfish, Flare, was swimming around near the surface only and being a bit clumsy with his swimming so I took a good look at him and the skin that covers the top portion of his eye (not his eye directly) is swollen up like a baloon! If this is some sort of pop-eye it's odd o-o His eyeball isn't swollen though, just like the thin layer of skin above it. Am I right to have put in Maracyn and Melafix in with him? It seems like some sort of infection is going on that's causing this absess...I don't know why he got it though >.<
He might have bumped into something and damaged his eye somehow. Is he by himself in the tank? If so treating him should be fine.
No he's not. But I did move him into a "quarentine" terrarium...which is small for him but it works for temporarily...The swelling did go down some so i'm happy about that :D
I am a Goldie keeper and I can tell you, they are clumsy fish. Without looking at your tank, I can suggest you keep the ornaments with sharp edges, corners, and "spiky things protuding" to a minimum or not at all. Eye poking waiting to happen there. They can also get their fins caught on the stuff as well.
I'd recommend a salt dip for the fish and then put him back with his buds.
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