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  1. F

    The LFS condemned fishless cycling!

    My LFS uses a chemical on all his tanks. Said it comes from south africa. Basically you get a new tank throw in this powder and add fish 6 hrs later. No filters on any tanks. Use the powder once a week/month depending on bio load. He swears by it. He said he does 1 water change per tank a...
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    New tank looking for a filter upgrade

    I have eheim (bit expensive) and tetratec canisters. Eheim are the best but for half the price the tetratec are realy good. I have both over 3 years now without a prob. You can adjust outflow as much as you want with either. I would recommend you change the filter media in the tetra though...
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    How to tell if UV Sterlilizer is functional?

    I would post this in the community hardware forum section you might get a better response.
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    Best Way To Raise Ph

    Thanks very much. Xlnt site.
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    best filter??

    Hi, How big is that tank? What volume?
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    Best Way To Raise Ph

    Hi Folks, My tap water is neutral and I need to get it to 7.8 or so and I'm thinking of starting a cichlid tank with yellow labs and so on. The LFS advised me to use ground up rock as a substrate and to use rocks. Yes I know he has to sell them to me. My water is very soft too. Whats the...
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    Clown Loache Tank mates?

    Hi Folks, Wow its been awhile since I posted. Anyway thanks in advance for any suggestions. I have a 55g tank, sand substrate, rocks plenty of hiding places and so on. In the tank are now 5 C loaches (3 x 3inch + 2 x 4.5inch), 2 cories , 1 Angel (5inch) and a Plecty (7inch). I am moving the...
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    Garlic treatment. Vampires?

    lol I might even have to get a good stake and hammer now, well they have everything else. Thanks zags
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    Garlic treatment. Vampires?

    Ok so I was going thru the sick fishy section and I noticed people recomending food soaked in garlic as a boost to their metabolism. Anyone out there really know if there is any basis in this or is it just a myth like vampires. Cheers in advance
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    Aquarium problem

    Are you using a dechlorinator when doing the water changes? If you don't everytime you do a water change u will kill all your bacteria and start a new cycle. Sorry its the only thing I can think of as the reason why ur tank won't cycle. How long are u cycling the tank now. Get yourself a...
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    Oh no! :(

    Just bring the fish to LFS and tell your friend your fish killed it and after reading you now know that they were incompatible. In the process your friend learns about fish keeping and won't buy you another unless you don't explain yourself right. The fish gets another chance with a new owner...
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    Im beginning to hate this hobby

    Hi Kil, 5 out of the 6 loaches i bought are dead. I had them for 6 months and they were all between 2 and 3 inchs in size. They were the best fish I ever had. I kept them in a quarantine tank for 6 weeks before I brought them over to my 55g. The 55g has 4 firemouths and a severum in it. Its...
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    Im beginning to hate this hobby

    thanks zags but i cant get it here. I will try online.
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    Im beginning to hate this hobby

    He's still as skinny as ever and just looks like he's wasting away. 4 of the other clown loaches just dropped dead. They never got skinny either, all looked healthy. I have no idea why they dropped dead because I tested the water every 2 days for 3 weeks and no ammonia or nitrite showed up...
  15. F

    Can you have to much gravel?

    cheers folks. the reason why I asked is I like to keep 1 or 2 plants in the tank and the cichlids are a pain and they keep up rooting the plants. :D
  16. F

    Can you have to much gravel?

    Can you have to much gravel? Is there any reason why half inch is good and 2 inch bad? I know just a silly question. But I'll take all kinds of answers :jump:
  17. F

    What the HECK?? Another question, graphic pics...

    Try paragon 2 as general boost against the parasites but its still just a pick me up the fish will still have to do the work unfortunately. There is one other killer of internal parasites but its a bit extreme and the stress i think would kill a lot of fish. Levamisole hydrochloride...
  18. F

    Pronunciations. . .

    BeerChir Is the way we say it in eire. :jump: and nobody I know calls cichlids sicklids here. More like cheechlids as in cheech & chong.
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    What the HECK?? Another question, graphic pics...

    Went to LFS to ask about your problem and the response I got was meds are crap and I should kill the fish because its to late. LFS is a thriving sespool of genius is'nt it. Hope your having a better hunt.
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    What the HECK?? Another question, graphic pics...

    Worms can be in your fish for a long time before growing to the size were they show visable signs, six months or more even. Bacteria on frozen food has a very high probability. If bacteria is on the food freezing won't kill it. when we thaw out the food bacteria is not killed off because we...
  21. F

    What the HECK?? Another question, graphic pics...

    It looks like worms(internal para). Does'nt look like poo. Watch the fish and if it persists quarantine. I have no idea what meds to use tho. Internals are very hard to cure. Any thing weird like a loss of weight? Eating ok? I'll try and see if something is online somewhere.
  22. F

    multiple Severums in a 55?

    Depends on how big the Severum gets. In its adult stage they can be 10inchs in length. About the size of the one I seen today He was a real beefing looking guy :lol:. IMO I can't honestly think a Severum could swim properly in a tank only 4 times his lenght (presuming 4ft tank). IMO thats...
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    i tried something in my sink...and it happens on pwc's

    Ok your mad. :lol: Why did you pump air down your sink? Curious. Air is lighter than water. it gets trapped by the water bringing it into the tube. Then it gets pushed and it gets faster and faster with the increase in pressure. Just a guess.
  24. F

    internal parasites

    Oh I have seen on this site some people feeding there fish medicated foods. I don't have any experience with them tho. Sorry. Good luck.
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