10 gal, what fish should i get?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 24, 2005
Ontario, Canada
hello, in another month of so i will be able to set up a 10 gallon tank. I am wondering what type of fish are the best to keep in this small community tank. I know tetras are good but all the other fish i used to have in my 20 gal seemed to not do so well. I have had good luck with angels and tetras, what else?
How about a male betta, school of harlequin rasboras(or perhaps neon or glolite tetras), and a few african frogs?

This would provide lots of color and a variety of mid, top, and bottom dwellers.
i like angel fish and neon tetras and rummynose tetras hatchet fish, i really love cichlids and oscars but a tank that saize could not hold them. I like the dwarf african frogs too. Butterflyfish are one of my favorites although i have never kept them. I enjoy looking at fish that havnt been modifies in any way. I love ghost knives but size is a factor again. Discus fish, size a factor. plecos are great! Pictus catfish are another i am very fond with. Since i havn't had a tropical tank since i was like 5 i dont remeber what is compatable. I like a mix of small and large fish. Like neons along with an angel fish.

p.s. when refering to me please just call me Jason. :flasingsmile:
How bout this jason,

Shell dwellers, they are peaceful and they are bottom feeders and very easy to breed
You should get some of the african dwarf frogs then. They'll do great in there by themselves.
yeah i have decided on them but i would like bottom dwellers, middle dwellers and top dwellers
thats why i was thinging frogs, tertas then hatchet fish on top
Well you can do that if you don't mind that the tank will be overstocked. The hatchets and tetras are schooling fish and should have at least 5 of each, I believe. I know 6+ is better though.
ok, what is the danger of the tank being overstocked? anyway i might get 2 frogs 5 hatchet fish or more but what kind of middle dweller is good, maybe a pair of guppies?
Middle dwelling fish? I've got a tank full of Tetra's and none of them are "Middle dwelling" fish. They're all over the place! If I look at my tank right now, my 9 neons are schooling from the bottom right to the top left on the back of the tank....My Emperors are split up....2 at the bottom and 4 in the middle....The head and tail lights are all at the top...

Actually, now that you mention it, the Tetras do seem to be in the middle the majority of the time...but it's not like they stay there. Come feeding time, the top is one massive orgy of fish trying to get to the food first! During the rest of the day, they're still floating wherever they want to go...

Even my Betta is at the bottom and top at any given time....he's all over the place checking things out...Actually, Angel Fish are fish that will stay in the middle, mainly because they're so big that they can't go anywhere else....
shell dwellers are cool, but they are not bottom feeders. They also wouldn't do well in a 10 in a community setting.
How about a pair of dwarf gouramis and a school of cories? I have the same set up and plenty of action! You could add a few shrimp or snails too. (i have some snails you can have! :D )
PondFond said:
ok, what is the danger of the tank being overstocked?
You can get ammonia and nitrite levels even if the tank was cycled I believe. This can lead to losing fish. You will have to do pretty frenquent water changes depending on how overstocked.
I would put a pair of cichlids in there....smaller ones...... I know I know, small tank, but I like a challenge.. lol i did it a few years ago, and half the tank belonged to one, and half to another. I had 2 kenyas.
I agree with the African Dwarf Frogs, maybe some Cory Cats, a few tetras...you should take a couple trips to your LFS and see what really catches your eye.
Good Luck! :new-alien:
In my 10 gal I have 2 Male Dwarf Gourami's, 2 African Dwarf Frogs and 2 Otocinclus catfish. So far it seems like a good balance. The Dwarf Gourami's(One Powder Blue and one Red Fire) are colourful and are a good centerpiece fish. The Dwarf Frogs are funny to watch as they make their mad dashes to the surface for air and the Oto's make a good bottom dweller and help control the algae. Good luck with your choices! :D

One note of caution - If you get 2 Dwarf Gourami's, make sure you have plenty of hiding spaces as they can be territorial and one may nip at the other.
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