10 gallon betta tank

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 20, 2011
East Bay, CA
I have a 10 gallon cycled tank that currently is temporarily housing some fry - I want to turn it into a betta tank eventually but I want some suggestions on tank mates - I was thinking of a school of harlequin rasboras or dwarf cories...maybe some shrimp. I will have all live plants and driftwood in the tank
Any fish really that will work in a 10g, but depending on your bettas personality he might not be a great community fish. It really all depends on the betta. I dont know about the frog, and shrimp would most likely be a quick meal. Like i said, its a hit and miss with bettas.
i think its best not to get any fish to go with a betta unless you have a back up tank incase it dont work out, i have an apple snail in with mine and its fine (has the shell for cover)
leggey said:
i think its best not to get any fish to go with a betta unless you have a back up tank incase it dont work out, i have an apple snail in with mine and its fine (has the shell for cover)

Again the apple is a case of depends on your betta. Some will pick on snails to the point that the poor critters won't leave their shells and end up starving.
FishontheRock said:
Again the apple is a case of depends on your betta. Some will pick on snails to the point that the poor critters won't leave their shells and end up starving.

So true, I think my snails were picked on the 1st day or 2 because they're long antennae seemed to disappear. Now they're all fine, I think because they were something new my Bettas had to show their dominance so to speak. Whatever you do keep a close watch.
Neon tetras are good tankmates for bettas. Cory catfish will work too, but get small ones (panda, pygmy, or dwarf) to fit in the 10 gallon. Some bettas will bother their tankmates, others don't. An example of this is I have two bettas. one is a docile, friendly fellow named Waffle and the other is a very agressive, im-the-boss kind of guy named Martin. I added black mystery snails into both tanks. Waffle became best friends with his snail, always watching it crawl around and completely fascinated. Martin, however always picked on his snail, flared at it, and poked its antennae. It proves how adding tankmates is a trial and error kind of thing.

But with fish tankmates, I'm more worried about the betta being bullied than the betta being the bully. Sometimes, fish will nip their long, flowing fins. If you put them together and see signs of fin nipping, remove the betta to a new tank or if its only one troublemaker, remove that one instead. But many people are completely successful with having betta fish in community tanks. Just be prepared to have to take someone out.

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