10 gallon fowlr

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 5, 2003
I would like to set up a spare 10 gallon tank I have in my bedroom as fowlr. What will I need to pull this off? If anyone here has done this and can give me specific items that would be great! I know a light upgrade will be needed, but I don't know what kind of filter/heater/skimmer I will need. This will be my first attempt at saltwater, but don't try to stray me as I like to start hard the first time. Thanks!
For a FOWLR you wont need any special lighting other than a dual strip florecent light. You would need the following equipment to get started.

Sea salt mix
heater (unless you can keep the water temp at 80F with out)
small hang on back filter (minibiowheel maybe)
2 small powerheads (~100GPH each)
It will be hard to find a skimmer that will fit on the back of a 10 but I belive the prizm skimmer will. The skimmer is not needed but honestly for a saltwater beginner its stronly suggested.
Hydromoter so you can measure the salinity of the water.
10-15lbs of live rock
3" sand bed

Other assorted items include:

Ammonia, PH, NItrite, Nitrate test kits
Some fish only buckets. YOu can use one of them to mix saltwater in. A heater and powerhead for the mixing bucket also since you should get the water change water up to tank temp before doing a water change. Plus warm water disolves salt better.

I cant help but stress that a 10 gal tank is not a size recommended for beginners. Now that does not mean you wont be sucessful. I know people who have started with even smaller tanks and done well. But what it will mean is diligent watch over water levels during the cycle and the first few months after. Additional needs will be daily topoffs with freshwater to replace evaporation.

You should also be aware of the stocking limitations of a small tank. I would not suggest any more than 2 small fish (~1" in size each).
I started with a 10 and I have had no real problems My xenia and polyps are doing great Ive only done 2 water changes in the 7 months that Ive had it. All I do is top off about every 2 days and add Iodine and cal.

Now on the equipment you will need fishfreek has good stuff but I dont know about 2 phs and a HOB thats alot even for a FOWLR Id go with 1 ph on the other end of the tank as the HOB, also try and have your hydromoter calibrated at a LFS

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