10 gallon in need of help

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 5, 2015
Hey everyone!

I recently started my 10 gallon (well not recently really) and finished the whole cycle and everything was down to zero and I changed my temperature down to 70 like I'd been told to! I test everything again still at 0 and I go and get my fish! I buy 3 fan-tailed goldfish from my local pet store. I put them in the tank and feed them as instructed to! ( a little late to add but I did add conditioner to the water whenever water was added! ) and then just like all stories there's an ending, and this one is that my 3 fish all died in a span of 4ish days upon purchase. I do not own an air stone and I've heard this might be a necessity, any help is appreciated and if any important information is left off please ask and I will answer with the best of my ability!


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Yah.. whomever is guiding you through this process??? Unfriend them, ignore them, forget them.. they're so wrong.. goldfish need bigger tanks. They probably crashed that tank after the first poops. If you're set on goldfish get atleast a 40 breeder. If you're stuck with the 10 than we can figure out a reasonable stocking plan

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What would the best starter fish for a 10 gallon be?

Also I dosed the ammonia up to 4 ppm everyday until it was at 0, and then waited for the rest to follow which happened eventually.
What would the best starter fish for a 10 gallon be?

Also I dosed the ammonia up to 4 ppm everyday until it was at 0, and then waited for the rest to follow which happened eventually.

Oh ok excellent! So that was good advice!

I recommend platies, guppies, kuhli loaches and bettas. Or if you want to do something sort of different you could easily do shelldwelling cichlids!
Tetras beta Danios guppies corydoras

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10g is tricky. Everybody gets them as starter tanks, but you have to stock carefully.

GF aren't suitable as you've heard now.

I prefer Nano fish...ones that stay nr an inch as adults. Like Celestial Pearl Danios.

But if you are willing to do some plants, I love Cherry Shrimp.

Or do Endlers Livebearers

Or very small Tetras ( like Ember Tetras)

Or small micro Rasboras.

If you need to stick to starter fish, look at Glowlight Tetras. Much hardier and less common than Neons and look stunning with some green plants and dark sand or gravel.

Or Harlequin Rasboras.

Don't get more than 5 of the last 2. I would do 5 of either NOT BOTH and then later add a snail or Amano or Ghost Shrimp.

I don't do Cories in a 10g unless they are small species like Corydoras pygmaeus.

Cories like groups and room to swim. 20L is smallest I recommend for most Cory species. Except the 3 tiny species. Hard to find and expensive.

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