10 Gallon Planted Project Log

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 20, 2008
Where ever the flow go
Well I moved all my plants and everyone from my 5 gallon to a 10 gallon aquarium. So now I got a 10 gallon planted aquarium. Fish are still the same. 5 red-eyed tetras, 3 neon tetras, 1 otto. But i'm getting a bamboo shrimp soon.

10 Gallon Planted Project Center (Nov. 13th 2008).jpg
Center View
10 Gallon Planted Project Driftwood (Nov. 13th 2008).jpg
10 Gallon Planted Project Hornwort (Nov. 14th 2008).jpg
10 Gallon Planted Project Java Fern (Nov. 13th 2008).jpg

Lookin' great so far. Getting some java moss, c. wettis for plants soon.

Then like I said before I might be gettin' a bamboo shrimp soon but if they don't have any i'm going to get some bubble bee gobys. And if they don't have those then idk lol.

Keep in touch

Well I went to three fish stores and couldn't find any fish or plants I wanted. The last store though I went to had a very colorful GBR. I have one all ready but I think it is a female because it is for very colorful. So I snagged him while I could. He is fairly small but has great color. Hopefully they might breed and I could get even more GBR.

Well here is a picture of him in the bag and out of the bag.

New German Blue Ram (Nov. 15th 2008).jpg
In Bag

GBR Out of Bag.jpg
Out of Bag

Also is this a female GBR?
Female GBR.jpg
WTG. I like what you've done so far.

Are you planning to breed the Rams?
WTG. I like what you've done so far.

Are you planning to breed the Rams?

Thanks! I was aiming for like the left half to be kind of like a thick woodsy type deal and the right to be more open for swimming.

Um. well I wanted to see if I could get them to breed. But I don't know if one is male and one is female. I wouldn't mind breeding them because I bet my local fish store would buy them up quick because they always sell out of em.
This was taken on Nov. 17th, 2008. About a week ago I put the plants in. Doing alright. They should be doing better soon because i'm now doing 3x doses of PlantGro a week, (Mon., Wed., Fri.) I was having the lights on from 7am-10pm (15hrs.) Which I found out was to much. I know have a timer which is set to turn on at 12 noon till 10pm (10hrs.) The plants should be getting better and growing better now since i've changed to this. I'll post another pic in a week or so unless something happens.

Well here is the photo now.

10 Gallon Planted Project (Nov. 17th 2008) (1).jpg

2 GBR'S (1 male, 1 female)
5 Red-eyed Tetras
3 Neon Tetras
2 Ottos.
(Maybe some shrimp or bubble bee gobys soon and then thats it.) :D

Ceratophyllum submersum (Soft Hornwort)
Microsorum pteropus (Java Fern)

Soon To Have Plants:
Vesicularia dubyana (Java Moss)
Cryptocoryne wendtii (C. Wendtii)
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