Free: 10 gallon tanks (great for QT or fry)

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 29, 2011
We have a few 10 gallon tanks in our garage just taking up room. If you need one, please let me know. Great for QT or fry tank.

Some of these may have tops, but assume that it's just the tank.

Must be picked up, will not ship. Naugatuck, CT

Thanks, guys. :cool:
jetajockey said:
The shipping on a fish tank is going to be more than the tank costs new. Walmart usually has bare 10g's for <$15 , or you could get a rubbermaid tub for <$10.

Ok thanks for info
Yes, the tanks are available.

Your user name is interesting. Are you a store?
No i am not a store. I actually am in the process of changing my user name. One day i hope to own one but only have a breeding setup (not yet complete) in my basement
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