10g FW aquarium ideas

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 25, 2011
So, it appears I have MTS and I'm looking to set up a 10g aquarium on my nightstand beside my bed. :)

Can you guys post pictures of your small (<=20g) aquariums to give me some ideas!?

Also what you stock it with - because I don't know many fish species at all. I could google them, but there would be no community fun in that!

I am totally open as this is just in the thought phases
10 gals are small, but you can still be creative with them. Just be sure not to overstock. If you're not interested in a betta, a 10 gal would also be good for a shrimp tank or a speices only tank of smaller tetra like the neon or lemon tetra. Guppies might also be a possibility.

Pics of my son's 10 gal and my 20 gal -


Awesome tanks there Coleallensmom! I particularly like the planted one. I've had difficulty in the past with getting them to be that lush, but I have learned some new things since then. I like your ideas for the use of those tanks as well.

Not to go off topic, but if you'd like to see some other awesomely planted tanks, check this link out. Although they are a "bit" larger.
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